Alicante, Spain (travel Guide Alicante)

Alicante (Alicante, Alacant) is a city and province on the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Alicante is quite large, the tourist-developed city that is an attractive place for tourists of all ages and different interests.

The main purpose of tourists visiting Alicante is a beach vacation, and this is not casual, there are lots of good, clean and wide beaches, lapped by the warm waters of the Mediterranean. In addition, the city is full of historical sights, parks, walking and interesting places.

To reach Alicante is very easy and relatively inexpensive.

Book your accommodation in Alicante, hotels, guest houses, apartments and hostels, it is also possible for a very reasonable price, diversity of housing abound, but the prices do not bite.

Alicante, Spain

Alicante Airport

Alicante international airport Alicante/Aeropuerto de Alicante-Elche, which is located at a distance of 13-th km South-West of the city centre.

Alicante-Elche Airport

From the airport to the centre of Alicante

To get from the airport to the centre of Alicante by bus or by taxi/Shuttle. Bus stop located at the entrance to the airport. The output from the third floor of the airport. Bus route C-6. Comfortable bus blue with free Wi-Fi. The bus runs every day, on average every 20-25 minutes. The fare is about 4 euros.

The cost of taxi fares, on average, 30 euros.

Also buses go to the nearby resort cities as Benidorm, Calpe, Torrevieja, etc.

Currency, money and Bank cards in Alicante

Spain is in the Euro zone, so the country's currency - the Euro.

In most establishments and shops you can pay in cash or by credit card. With you in addition to Bank cards, it is also good to have some cash, cards are accepted everywhere.

The perfect map would be the Euro, so you can avoid conversions in non-cash payments.

Insurance in Alicante

When visiting Alicante, do not forget about the mandatory travel insurance. To make such possible, even for a few minutes before departure, online.

The Beaches Of Alicante

The Central and most famous beach of Alicante city is Postiguet beach/Playa de Postiguet, la. This wide, sandy beach is located directly in the city center at the foot of mount Benacantil.

Postiguet Beach, central beach of Alicante

The beach of San Juan/Playa de la San Juan

Considered one of the best and the longest beach adjacent to the city of Alicante, with fine Golden sand. The beach is wide and clean, the entrance to the sea is shallow and gently sloping. Is this the beach towards Benidorm from the Alicante city centre.

Albufereta beach/Playa de la'albufereta

Also located in the direction of Benidorm from the historic centre of Alicante, but unlike the beach of San Juan near the town of Alicante. Compared to the first two, this beach is smaller, but also sandy and quite beautiful, with playgrounds.

Almadraba beach/Playa de la Almadraba

Almadraba, a small uncrowded beach similar to a Bay. Tourists on this beach is not as much as the first three. Located between the beaches of Albufereta and San Juan.

The Bay of Cabo de Huertas/Calas de Cabo de Huertas

The beaches of Cape de Huertas rocky, mostly wild and not adapted for a comfortable beach holiday. In addition to reach some of them quite difficult, but clear water and thinly populated, must be ensured here. A great place to swim with mask and flippers, to retire or to sunbathe Topless.

The Beach Saladar/Urbanova

This beach is located in a residential area of the city, towards the airport from the city centre of Alicante. The beach is quite quiet and not crowded.

For us the best beach of Alicante became the Central Postiguet beach. Its advantages: the proximity to the city centre, offers guests the opportunity not only to swim and sunbathe, but also enjoy local life, attractions, food and Hiking. The disadvantage, crowded in high season.

Second place went to the beach of San Juan, a clean, wide, beautiful promenade suitable for walking and for sports and just relaxing with the kids. The only drawback, the distance from the historic centre of Alicante.

Weather in Alicante

The peak season is in the summer. The best time to holiday in Alicante August - beginning of September, at this time the air is not as hot, the water is fully warmed up. September is practically no different from the summer, only the number of rainy days increases gradually. At this time of year can be good to combine a beach holiday with sightseeing and Hiking.

The heat is on the decline in the month of October. The winter is soft and warm. And spring is very pleasant with warm weather and bright colors of the awakening of summer vegetation.

The streets of Alicante, the architecture of the city

The city's architecture is diverse, it was somewhat unique and so are harmoniously combined elements of Greek, Roman, Moorish and Gothic styles and Baroque and art Nouveau.

The streets of the historic center neat and clean, walk on it provides a true pleasure. Each of the streets so not like each other, it would seem, only that you walked down a narrow street flanked by stone walls of buildings and turning a corner, come out on a wide Avenue with palm trees and the violent colors of flowers.

Or, walking through the backstreets of the maze of streets, you come to a small square with a café, or you find yourself in a small green Park with benches for relaxing, a fountain and flowerbeds.

Streets of Alicante, Spain

The main street of Alicante is considered the Rambla de méndez núñez/Rambla de Mendez Nunez. This wide and busy Avenue can rightly be called the heart of Alicante. Along the street are all the official parades and processions, religious and festive processions. La Rambla begins in the city centre, near the Central market and ends on the waterfront.

Main street of Alicante-Rambla de Mendes Nunes

Alley three avenues. One of the most beautiful and cozy streets of the city, ideal for relaxing and walking. This street consists of three avenues, connected together and forming one long and green street, a beautiful pedestrian Boulevard in the middle. On both sides of the Boulevard, high palm trees, installed benches for relaxing, playgrounds, flower beds with colorful flowers, fountains and buildings in the Spanish style.

Alley of Three avenues, a walking boulevard in Alicante

Another interesting street is "street Mushrooms" (San Francisco/Calle San Francisco). Interesting street melt that on it here and there you can see the cute cartoon mushrooms and insects. Also, this street children's shopping all along the street on both sides, cool in addition to mushrooms and insects, there are many children's shops.

Street with Mushrooms, San Francisco, Alicante

The best sights of Alicante!

Pedestrian Esplanade

Explanada de Espana (Paseo Maritimo) in Marbella, one of the most famous attractions with a pattern of sea waves under your feet. The Esplanade is a pedestrian Boulevard and is a favorite place for walks and recreation of residents and guests of the city of Alicante.

Along the Esplanade on both sides by towering palm trees, souvenir shops and numerous cafes, eateries and restaurants. Evenings on the Esplanade, playing music, are the street performers, and locals and visitors walk, dance and dine in restaurants under the open sky.

Esplanade Pedestrian Boulevard, Alicante

The Promenade Of Alicante

Promenade of Alicante, another wonderful place for walking. The street is long and beautiful, it stretches along the Central Postiguet beach, past the town centre, then runs through the port, and went off along the coast.

Alicante Embankment

Sea port of Alicante

The sea port of Alicante is a large and very picturesque, much of which is a Yacht Marina. Boats, yachts, boats and small vessels, landing of the shores of Alicante, is so diverse and beautiful that the rays of the sun, on a background of blue sky and sea with white yachts lined up in a row, present a picture of gorgeous beauty.

Seaport, Alicante

The Basilica of Santa Maria in Alicante

Basilica de Santa Maria, a significant Basilica in the city, located in the heart of Alicante, just five minutes walk from the seafront Boulevard and the Esplanade. Her second title St. Mary's Church. It attracts attention because it is the oldest Church in the city, which rightly bears the title of the most important attractions of the Spanish city of Alicante.

In addition to his years, the Basilica is also very beautiful architecture. Several times a day you can hear the bells of the Church that is spread throughout the County.

Basilica of Santa Maria in Alicante

The Museum of modern art

Near the Basilica of Santa Maria, on the left side of it, the Museum of contemporary art - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante, Maca. The exact address of the Plaza Sta. María 3 Alicante Alicante 03002.

The old town of Alicante or Santa Cruz

El barrio de Santa Cruz is truly picturesque and interesting city. There is only the opportunity to get closer to old Spain, and to see how they lived native Spaniards many years ago.

The district of Santa Cruz is located in the heart of the city, at the foot of mount Benacantil. The entire old district's narrow winding streets that climb up the hill, the picturesque low houses of all colors, old stage and almost absolute loneliness on the streets.

Santa Cruz district, Alicante

Cathedral Of St. Nicholas

Concatedral de San Nicolas de Bari or as it is properly called the Cathedral of San Nicolas de Bari. This Cathedral is considered one of the most important historical and cultural attractions of the Spanish city of Alicante. In every detail of the Church and seen the Spanish architectural style and culture of former times.

It is believed that the prayers of all pilgrims and travelers on the road prosperous and successful journeys made in this temple, be sure to celebrate, because St. Nicholas is the patron Saint of pilgrims and travelers.

Cathedral of San Nicolas de Bari, Alicante

The castle of Santa Barbara in Alicante

Castillo de Santa Barbara is located in Central Alicante, on the top of the mountain Benacantil at a height of 166 metres above sea level, within walking distance from the beach, promenade and the rest of the Central attractions of the city. Climb the fortress in two ways: for free through the old quarter of Santa Cruz and the green Parc de La Ereta or just one minute on a fast Elevator, for a fee, respectively.

The castle of Santa Barbara, a true treasure of Alicante, is the history and culture of the entire city. In the fortress there are exhibition halls, museums, fortifications of the last centuries and intricate passages, to wander through which sounds fascinating.

Santa Barbara Fortress in Alicante

Corrida or bullfighting in Alicante

In Alicante bullfighting arena is called the Plaza de toros de Alicante. In the building of bullfighting hold exhibitions and concerts, here you can find names of famous bullfighters Alicante and the juicy tournaments, and also see the attributes that are used in bullfighting.

Plaza de Toros, Alicante

Outside the Bullring is a green square in Spain - Plaza de Espana. In this square you can see the famous running of the bulls and the picador, also the monument to the cutting debris, the fountain in the center of the square and the miniature design of filling containers, ditches or ditches with water.

Square of Spain, Alicante

Puerta del Mar and the house of Carbonell in Alicante

Puerta del Mar is one of the main areas of Alicante. This is quite an interesting urban place, where at any time it is possible to meet a large crowd of tourists and locals.

In the center is a round the city fountain, which is a monument-a monument with a white stele, at the foot of which are three famous personalities.

Puerta del Mar Square, Alicante

Particularly noteworthy in the Puerta del Mar, located on the square at the beginning of the Esplanade, the home of Carbonell/Casa Carbonell. The home of Carbonell is a historical landmark. He from the first minutes amazes with its architecture and is perhaps the most beautiful building of Barcelona. The white building is built in modern style with elements of neo-Baroque, has two towers with cupolas.

Carbonel's house in Alicante

The square of the town Hall and town Hall in Alicante

The town Hall square/Placa de Ajuntament Alicante is one of the most famous and visited tourist areas of Alicante.

Town hall square, unlike most other Spanish areas are not green, except it is absent of any vegetation, except that ornamental trees in pots on the balconies of houses and near restaurants. It is a stone square, rectangular, plate, asphalt and grey stone buildings on all four sides. In the center of the square from under the stone slabs playful beat jet fountain.

The main decoration of the square is the town Hall, an interesting building in the style of Spanish Renaissance, and the architectural style includes multiple religious elements.

City Hall Square and City Hall, Alicante

The Central market of Alicante

The Central market of Alicante is called Mercado Central/Mercado Central. Located in the centre of the city. Is the best place in town to purchase fresh seafood as well as meat, fruit, vegetables, ham and other goods.

Central Market of Alicante

In addition, the rear of the market is another landmark of the city.

Mercado Central, Alicante

Parks in the centre of Alicante

Parks Alicante is undeniably different from traditional parks. In Alicante they are more like squares. Small cozy gardens with Seating areas, greenery, fountains and flowers.

In the historical centre of the city include such parks as,

Parc de La Ereta/Park Ereta in Alicante

Park Area is one of the biggest and green parks in the city. The Park is located in the center of Alicante, on the rise of mount Benacantil, it is through this Park is free to climb up to the Castle Santa Barbara.

The Park has its own flavor and a certain charm. Walking on it can be a long time to enjoy the green areas, so naturally dilute secluded place for rest and for romance. The Park includes a fountain, flowers smelling of watermelon, olive and pomegranate trees.

Parc de la Ereta in Alicante

Square Gabriel Miro/Plaza Gabriel Miro in Calpe

The Spaniards called this Park area, but, in fact, it is a Park. With the most luxurious, beautiful and green Park of the city of Alicante. At the center lies a large fountain with a flowerbed, and on the perimeter, in the shade of gorgeous centuries-old trees with luxurious crowns are placed benches for rest. To the center of the square and the fountain, are the shady alleys, paved with patterned tiles.

Gabriel Miro Square, Alicante

Park, Santa Teresa and Pantheon Governor Kahina in Alicante

Park Santa Teresa/Santa Teresa Plaza, a small green square in the center of Alicante. In the center of the Park is the Pantheon with the remains of former Governor of Alicante Kachina, which is the main decoration of the Park and symbol of the city. Park and Pantheon are the TOP attractions of the city of Alicante.

Santa Teresa Park and the Pantheon to the Governor of Cajino in Alicante

Where to go for one day from Alicante

For a change of your holiday, you can go for one day on Tabarca island.

Tabarka, a small island, to get around it all in two hours, so one day on the island will be enough. The island has beaches, a picturesque residential area with small houses and the Central square, cafes and restaurants with set menus and taberski dish Caldera. Also the island is famous for its monuments of ancient architecture - the Governor's house and tower of St. Joseph's 15-century building, the old lighthouse and dilapidated houses, where once lived the fishermen.

Central beach of Tabarca Island, Spain

Central square of Tabarca Island, Spain

Tabarca Island, Spain

The island is only 22 miles from the Spanish city. To get on the water a catamaran in the morning, and returned from the island in the evening on the same catamaran. Catamarans every day depart from Alicante's seafront promenade, the round-trip ticket costs 19 euros.

Water catamaran Alicante-Tabarca

In addition to Islands you can travel around the neighborhood and nearby towns.

What to try in Alicante from the local cuisine

1. Of course, the favorite is Paella, a traditional Spanish dish based on rice. Varieties of paella throughout Spain there are more than hundred types and every cook has his signature recipe for paella. And in Mallorca, many types of paella, there is the classic paella, mixed meat and seafood, vegetarian, seafood black paella with cuttlefish ink and many variations of cooking that most of us have not even heard of.

Dishes of Alicante-Paella

2. Cold Gazpacho soup. A delicious Spanish dish, perfectly refreshing on a hot summer day. The most delicious, tomato gazpacho made from grated tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, balsamic vinegar (wine) vinegar and other ingredients.

Dishes of Alicante-Gazpacho

3. The category of dishes Caldera. They are prepared with seafood, fish or meat, with vegetables or potatoes. All the ingredients of a stew, so delicious and nourishing stew. Serve with bread fried in olive oil.

Dishes of Alicante-Caldera

4. Tapas and Pintxos. This is the common name of snacks to beer or wine, served on pieces of bread or on small plates. It turns out something like sandwiches and canapes. Variations of different tapas weight, and they are limited only by the imagination of the cook. Tapas made from meat, cutlets, eggs, seafood, fish, vegetables, ham, cheese, in General, of all that is in the fridge.

Dishes of Alicante-Tapas

Dishes of Alicante-Tapas and Pintxos

5. Pescado Frito. Small fish of different varieties, coated in flour and deep fried in olive oil, served with a slice of lemon. The taste depends on the institution and the cooks who made the dish, sometimes, gets too oily, but if cooked well, tasty dish, goes well with beer or wine. Eaten quickly, as seeds.

6. Ham (Jamon). Jamon, Spanish national delicacy, cured pork roast (or pork leg). There are a great many different types of Jamon. To eat ham should be wafer thin slices and cut it by hand with a special knife. In Spain there are even trained people - jamonero.

Eat ham by itself or with sandwiches. And fresh melon. To try in the restaurant or bought already prepared at the supermarket.

Dishes of Alicante-Jamon

7. Sangria (Sangria). Spanish sredneamgunsky drink based on red wine with pieces of fruit, sugar, and small quantities of brandy and dry liqueur.

Serve the sangria is definitely chilled and with ice cubes. The taste is mild light wine with a distant touch of citrus. Very refreshing.

Dishes of Alicante-Sangria

8. Churros (Churros). Sweet fried pastries from choux paste, stick, or loop, with different toppings on top - nuts, syrups, but the bowl of powdered sugar. Churros with a Cup of hot coffee or tea for Breakfast. The taste of churros is soft and most importantly not cloying, and that is moderately sweet. We loved this Spanish sweet.

Dishes of Alicante-Churros

9. The seafood and fish. What else should I try in Alicante, is a variety of seafood and fish. Thank God institutions, which offer fish dishes in Alicante at every step, for every taste and wallet size. Fall variety of fish and shrimp, mussels and clams, lobsters and lobsters, squid and other marine life.

We recommend you go to a restaurant specializing in seafood. In these restaurants, on display, on the ice are the seafood you choose, and while at the table, leisurely enjoying a Spanish evening, you will prepare and present vegetables and lemon.

Dishes of Alicante-Seafood

10. Fruit. Better to buy on the market. Fruits are always fresh, ripe and juicy. Mango and papaya, biting which, in the hands of the juice flowing and the flesh hides in the mouth.

Dishes of Alicante-Fruits

Average bill for two for a hearty dinner with drinks is in the range of 30 Euros. Lunch 15-20 Euros. Fruit 6-10 euros.

Where to eat in Alicante

Places where to eat in the centre of Alicante a lot. The Spanish streets, especially in the historic center of the city, near the Central beach and the pedestrian Boulevard, the Esplanade, filled with cafes and restaurants for any taste. Go to any quality and taste of the dishes will be equally good, and the prices are almost the same everywhere, the difference is that in one or two euros.

One of the most famous streets of the city with many restaurants is a Major street (Mayor). From a variety of cafes on this face, just the eyes diverge. Menu with prices hang on the Windows and walls of the establishments.

Major Street, Alicante

Many food service establishments are located along the Boulevard Esplanade

Cafe on the Esplanade Boulevard, Alicante

There in the city as institutions of local fast food, and cafés and restaurants, as a General European cuisine, and Spanish, Italian, Arabic, etc. where, where, and in Alicante you hungry will not remain))

Serving the city's large, it is better not to order. A dish of paella for two people we barely mastered the two of us, even in the morning still felt satiety, so it would be quite enough for three people.

A second dish most often includes a side dish and vegetables.

In many places in the bill include a tip of 10% of the total. So making the order, count the money.

The menu indicated the price of paella is per portion for one person, is from 9 to 12 euros, but you need to order at least two servings. So specified in the menu price multiplied by two.

Many restaurants are by default added to all your orders on the table put a basket of bread and other snacks, such as salted nuts. It's not free, the cost will be included in the bill. So if you do not intend to pay for all these Goodies, just politely refuse.

Spanish wine and cheese in Alicante

Different wines and wine beverages tipo sangria in Spain and Alicante are hundreds, if not thousands. Red, white, pink, sweet, semi-sweet and dry.

All of them, regardless of the prices are pretty decent quality. If you want to try the local wine, the main thing that the country of origin on the label was Spain. Price in supermarkets ranges from 1 Euro to 20 euros per bottle, depending on the year of harvest.

You can buy in any supermarket or order in a café or restaurant.

To the Spanish guilt we enjoyed fruit, cheese and chocolate

Holidays in Alicante, Spanish wine

Cheeses, personally we have a particular weakness, so Alicante in this plan pleases. On the market and in supermarkets you can buy various high quality cheese for little money.

Shopping in Alicante

Alicante is not only a beautiful resort town, suitable for beach holiday and sightseeing, it is also great for shopping.

Alicante is a shopping malls and shopping streets and shopping outlets, supermarkets, markets and many other places mind-blowing experience.

Shopping (shopping) street of Alicante

The shopping streets in many European cities. In Alicante's main shopping street, it is also one of the main streets of the city, is located in the heart of the historic part of the city. This Avenue Maisonnave, the Spanish name Avenida de Maisonnave.

The street is wide and quite long. On both sides there are shops of world famous brands of clothes, shoes and underwear. Here are brands such as Zara, Bershka, Stradivarius, Mango, Punto Roma, Massimo Dutti, H&M, Nike, Guess Llongueras, Intimissimi and many other famous brands.

Maysonnave Avenue, shopping street of Alicante

Shopping malls in the centre of Alicante

Just at the beginning and the end of the shopping street Maisonave, with its both ends there are two large Shopping centres - El Corte Ingl es

The shopping centre, the railway station is fully given to the world-famous brands of clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics and perfumes. This Supermercado El Corte Ingles. Located at Avenida Maisonnave, 53 SS 03003 Alicante Spain

The shopping center that on the other side of the Avenue, closer to the historical center of the city, also called El Corte Ingles. He is completely devoted to home goods and electronics. On the ground floor is a large supermarket. In the Mall to sell jewelry, toys, linens, bags and cases, electronics, furniture and other goods of daily use.

Shopping Center of Alicante-El Corte Ingles

Centro Comercial Plaza Mar 2

This shopping center is on the other side of the city, the mount Benacantil (Benacantil), which is one of the main attractions of the city, the castle of Santa Barbara.

Address Plaza Mar 2: Av. de Denia S/N 03016 Alicante Alicante Spain. Official website The shopping center is always a lot of people, mostly locals, tourists a bit.

This Mall is much more than the two described above. There are a large number of shops of clothes, shoes, accessories, cosmetics, perfumes and other everyday products.

Shopping Center of Alicante-Plaza Mar 2

On the ground floor is a large supermarket. Food prices are much lower than in other supermarkets of the city.

Supermarket in Plaza Mar 2

Outlet Park, the outlet stores in Alicante

Outlet Parkis a retail complex of shopping outlets under one roof. The shopping center offers products with discounts up to 70% of the most famous brands of clothing and household products to Spanish and European brands. Most of this stuff from past collections different seasons, driven in the outlet of all the commercial stores of the city.

In the outlet ze Stares wide variety of sports apparel and equipment, as well as a decent selection of denim clothes and shoes all seasons. There are shops of cosmetics and perfumery.

The outlet center is located at: Calle Alicante 94, 03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig, Alicante, Spain.

The outlet stores in Alicante

How to get to Alicante

By plane to Alicante

Plane, the fastest and most comfortable way to get there in Alicante from other countries and cities in Europe.

From Alicante Airport to the city center can be reached by bus. Night buses don't run. Therefore, in order to get to the centre of Alicante or to airport from the centre of Alicante at night and/or if you have a lot of things, and you and the kids can enjoy Shuttle service on the website. At any time of the day, at the airport, you will meet your driver with a sign, which will be written your name and surname. To order a taxi is enough to inform your flight details. Also the services of this taxi you can use to explore the area and nearby towns (Torrevieja, Benidorm). A taxi will be waiting for you at your hotel at your convenient time.

By train by Bus in Alicante

The main train station of Alicante is located in the city centre.

From Valencia

From Valencia to Alicante by train 1.5 - 2 hours, one-way ticket costs from 16,15 to 21 €.

By bus from Valencia to Alicante can be reached in 3 - 4 hours, one-way ticket from 12,35 to 40 €.

From Barcelona

By train from Barcelona to Alicante to go about 5 hours and the ticket price is 29 - 58 €.

By bus from Barcelona to Alicante to go to average 8 hours, the ticket price from 38 €.

From Madrid

From Madrid to Alicante by train, the journey time depends on the route and varies from 2 hours 10 minutes to 4 hours 40 minutes, one way ticket costs from 38 to 64,90 €.

From Madrid to Alicante on the bus ride about 5 hours, a one-way ticket costs 24 €.

Also buses and/or trains to Alicante go from Malaga, Seville, Murcia, Benidorm, Denia, Torrevieja and other cities of Spain.

Where to stay in Alicante

If you come on a beach holiday, and also want to see the city and enjoy the walks, the accommodation is best found in the vicinity of the port and the beach of "Postiguet". Here are the best hotels and apartments in Alicante.

None of the hotels, even the most expensive, no private beach, so be prepared to share the beaches with tourists of the city and local residents)).

For a perfect beach holiday also suitable hotels on the first line of the beach of San Juan.

Of course, in and around the city is not only expensive hotels, there are also many hotels, guest houses and hotels for every wallet size. After all, Alicante is good because even in the high season, rates are quite reasonable.

The only thing you'd better book hotels in advance. The closer the beach season, the fewer options to rent a decent room at an attractive price. We usually book 6-8 months.

Apartments and apart-hotels are the most numerous and popular type of housing in the city. Which is undoubtedly attractive for tourists with average income. They are in the city centre, and on the coast close to beaches. Plus of these apartments is that it is a complete apartment with all appliances and kitchen where you can cook, make coffee and do your Laundry. In addition, such apartments often come with multiple bedrooms, allowing you to stay in apartments from 4 to 10 people, and that's a substantial savings, when compared with the price of renting multiple hotel rooms. A great option for large families and friendly companies.

Connection and Wi-Fi in Alicante

Most hotels, apartments, guest houses and hostels Alicante free Wi-Fi.

In addition, free Wi-Fi has many cafes, restaurants and bars of the city and also in places of mass presence of tourists on the Esplanade, the waterfront, etc.

Also the city has an Internet cafe with computers, printers and Fax machines.

If you need to be connected constantly, it is better to connect the Internet or buy a SIM card for calls, local operators.

Parking in Alicante

In the centre of Alicante streets are mostly narrow and car Parking is very small. Therefore, Parking lots are basically all paid.

Rent a car in Alicante and Spain.

Short-term Parking

Paid Parking is easy to identify, they are all marked with a white letter P on a blue background. At the same token will be written during the period when Parking is paid.

Here in the Parking lot will be the Parking meter. The Parking fee is necessary to make your own, using this same meter. Payment is accepted as cash and credit cards.

The cost of Parking depends on the area in which you are going to Park your car. All European cities, including Alicante, divided into zones, the closer to the center or tourist attractions is the Park, the more expensive it will cost to leave her car. Accordingly, the most expensive Parking in Alicante will be Parking located in the heart of the historic part of the city, near the beach, near attractions, in General, all public places of a big congestion of people. Short-term Parking starts from thirty minutes of Parking and pumped a maximum Parking time 120-300 minute, that is, from two to five hours.

Parking in Alicante

Parking expendable

Eats Parking where you can Park the car for the day, and two, and for a week or longer. There are extensive public paid Parking at the Central streets and private Parking lots. Better to look for municipal Parking, it is usually cheaper than private. There is, for example, Parking the Gran Via, Navas Parking, Parking Carlet where the cost of Parking as per-minute, and daily, for 11 € per day, Parking La Montaneta - the cost of Parking it somewhere 14 Euros a day and 15 day 81 Euro.

Some hotels and guest houses have their own private Parking, which for a fee or for free (which is rarely) you can put the car, when booking to see calving Parking. Some of the hostels we saw Parking for 8-10 Euros a day, let "the street", if space is available.

Free Parking

In the city centre and night Parking is usually free and sometimes free on weekends. It's written on a Parking machine. There is also free Parking, but there is not a lot, usually free space on them try to find, especially in high season or during the holidays, although maybe you'll get lucky. You can look for free place in the courts, near shopping malls and major supermarkets.

Maps of Alicante

A map of the city it is better to upload in advance to your phone or tablet.

Free tourist maps of the city you can take in some hotels and restaurants in the city.

A map of the city can be purchased for a fee. In the city, especially in the historical section and on the waterfront, there is a vending machine with cards. Dropping into the machine 1,20 Euro, you will receive a map of the city.

City maps in Alicante

Transportation in Alicante

In the system of public transport Alicante bus routes and tram lines.

At bus stops there are maps of all the routes. Pay to the driver at the entrance, the entrance is through the front door, exit through all the rest.

Comfortable, modern streetcars, like light rail, connects the centre of Alicante with suburbs near San Vicente del Raspeig, Playa San Juan, El Campello and even the resort of Benidorm. In the older parts of the city tram lines are laid underground like a subway.

Public transport in Alicante, trams

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