Kaliningrad, Russia (formerly Königsberg) - travel guide

Kaliningrad is a large city and the administrative center of the Kaliningrad Region, as well as the westernmost center of the Russian Federation.

Geographically, the Kaliningrad Region is cut off from the main part of Russia (which the locals call the "Mainland") and is located between Poland, Lithuania and the Baltic Sea.

Nevertheless, Kaliningrad, and the region as a whole, is a typical Russian region, with echoes of Prussian Germany and, of course, for many invisible, but sometimes clearly manifested European features. The currency is rubles. The language is Russian.

Until the end of World War II, the city was called Königsberg and was part of the German province of East Prussia.

Initially, Konigsberg was founded by the Teutonic Order as a castle (1255) and developed as a settlement, which later grew into a city.

Since 1355, they began to build a ring of defensive walls. The defensive belt subsequently expanded and improved, as a result of which Konigsberg was a fortress city throughout almost the entire history of the existence of Konigsberg.

Also, due to the considerable number of parks, gardens, reservoirs and green areas, Konigsberg was known as a garden city.

Many architectural structures of Konigsberg were destroyed both during the Second World War and later - during the Soviet Union, which also made its own adjustments to the appearance of the city. Subsequently, some of the objects of Konigsberg were restored or rebuilt with maximum approximation to their historical appearance.

Due to this, there are currently a considerable number of attractions in Kaliningrad, including historical ones, as well as museums that can tell their guests about the history, heterogeneous culture of the region and the lifestyle of the inhabitants of Konigsberg-Kaliningrad.

Kaliningrad is also rich in parks, green areas and reservoirs, which, to some extent, still testifies to the garden city.

Kaliningrad time zone

Kaliningrad and the region as a whole are located in the Moscow time zone-1, that is, Kaliningrad time differs from Moscow by -1 hour: if it is noon in Moscow (12 p.m.), then it will be 11:00 in Kaliningrad and the region.

Coordinated Universal Time time zone: Kaliningrad time differs by +2 hours from UTC (UTC+2).

The climate in Kaliningrad and the water temperature in the sea

The climate in Kaliningrad is transitional from maritime to temperate continental, with a large number of cloudy days and precipitation in the form of rain, winds are also frequent in the city, which is influenced by the proximity of the cool sea.

Due to the influence of the Gulf Stream - the warm sea current of the Atlantic Ocean - winter in Kaliningrad is warmer, spring comes earlier, and autumn comes a little later than in mainland areas at the same latitude.

Summer in Kaliningrad is rarely very hot, mostly the temperature in July-August is kept at +22 with a little ° C. But there are also cloudy cold years, as well as hot seasons, when the heat lasts for quite a long time, and the water in the Baltic Sea warms up to +23 °C, sometimes it reached +25 °C. The average sea temperature in the months of July and August is usually about 19.4 °C.

Sunbathing on the beaches of the Kaliningrad region, in a warm sunny year, begins in April-May. The season can last until the beginning of October. Also, some daredevils, at these times of the year, plunge into the sea waters.

Speaking more objectively, the weather in Kaliningrad is very unpredictable, a refreshing rain may fall several times in one day, the sun will come out and (or) the wind will blow. However, despite all this, the climate in Kaliningrad is much milder than in most of Russia, and you can take pleasant walks along the sea, breathing the sea air all year round.

Main streets of Kaliningrad

Mira and Leninsky Avenues are one of the main, as well as the most visited and interesting streets of the center of Kaliningrad.

Both streets are carriageways, with pedestrian sidewalks on both sides.

Along the avenues there are some of the most significant historical buildings of the city, there are several squares where you can relax, a park, a zoo, a stadium, theaters, fountains, sculptures and monuments, as well as cafes, restaurants and shops. Learn more about Mira and Leninsky Avenues (+ Teatralnaya Street)…

Sights of Kaliningrad

Fish Village

Fish Village is an ethnographic and trade and craft complex located in the heart of Kaliningrad, on the banks of the Pregolya River (Veterans Embankment).

The complex "Fish Village" is stylized as the pre-war East Prussian city of Koenigsberg.

The complex itself is small, stretches from The Honey bridge connecting the fish village with the island of Kanta, to the High Bridge and is an embankment.

Cafes, restaurants and shops are located on the embankment, there is an observation tower "Mayak", the 4-star Kaiserhof Hotel, the 3-star Skipper Hotel and the hotel "At the Honey Bridge", and from the piers of the Fishing Village you can go for a boat trip along the Pregolya River. More about the fishing village...

New Synagogue

The New Liberal Synagogue or Konigsberg Synagogue (Neue Liberale Synagogue Königsberg), was originally built in Konigsberg in the late 1890s and destroyed - burned, and then finally destroyed, during World War II.

The synagogue was rebuilt in its former forms and in the same place where the Konigsberg Synagogue used to be, in the period 2011-2018 (2020 - interior decoration).

The facade, dome and main rooms of the New Synagogue are as close as possible to their historical appearance.

Paid excursions are conducted around the synagogue.

The synagogue is located near the "Fish Village", at the address: Oktyabrskaya Street, 1a. Learn more about the New Synagogue...

Kant Island with a cathedral

Kant Island, full name Immanuel Kant Island is a historical non-residential island part of the city of Kaliningrad, located surrounded by the Pregolya River.

Previously, the island of Kant was called Kneiphof, which comes from the Prussian "Knypabe", which means "Surrounded by water, river".

The main attractions of Kant Island are: the Cathedral, which was originally the main Catholic church of Konigsberg; Kant's grave and sculpture park, as well as the Honey Bridge connecting the island with the Fishing Village.

The ruins of Konigsberg Castle and the "House of Soviets"

Near the Fishing Village and the island of Kanta, on the Central Square, there are two inconspicuous, but well-known sights of the city:

- small remains of the once majestic Royal Castle (Konigsberg Castle / Das Königsberger Schloß), whose history dates back to the time of the Teutonic Order (1255) and from which the history of Konigsberg and, accordingly, Kaliningrad began. More about Konigsberg Castle...

- The "House of Soviets" is the most famous Soviet "unfinished" in Kaliningrad, the construction of which began in 1970.

Peter the Great Embankment and the World Ocean Museum

Peter the Great Embankment is located in the center of Kaliningrad, on the north side of the Pregolya River, near Kant Island and the Cathedral.

Initially, there was a port near the embankment. The port facilities in Konigsberg have been built since the 17th century. They often burned, then rebuilt and changed.

The most popular and interesting part of the Peter the Great embankment is the embankment of the Historical Fleet, which is equipped with gazebos, places for walking and recreation, there are historical and educational exhibits, and museum-equipped vessels that are part of the World Ocean Museum complex are moored at the quay of the embankment.

On one of the museumized vessels - the vessel "Vityaz", there are guest cabins "Vityaz", in which, if desired, you can stay.

Holy Cross Cathedral

Holy Cross Cathedral, formerly the Lutheran-Evangelical Church of the Cross or Kreuzkirche, which was consecrated in 1933, and is now an Orthodox church.

Currently, the Holy Cross Cathedral attracts attention with its appearance with the image of a huge cross on the facade, between two equally high towers, which are completed with small domes. The towers are connected by a covered gallery.

The main attraction of the cathedral is a unique amber iconostasis.

The address of the cathedral: Oktyabrsky Island, General Pavlov Street, 2. Read more about the Holy Cross Cathedral...

The building of the Konigsberg Stock Exchange

The building of the former Konigsberg Stock Exchange (Konigsberg Stock Exchange / Königsberger Börse) is made in the Neo-Renaissance style with elements of classicism.

The exchange building was built in 1870-1875. Part of the exchange building was on land, while the other was on the water. There is a version that transactions concluded in an exchange located on the water were not taxed.

In August 1944, the exchange was damaged - all the wooden structures of the building burned out.

The reconstruction of the exchange building was started in 1967. The exterior of the building was preserved, while the interiors underwent alterations.

Currently, the Museum of Fine Arts is located in the walls of the exchange.

The address of the former exchange: Leninsky Prospekt, 83. Learn more about the Stock exchange and the Museum of Fine Arts...

Maraunenhof district

Maraunenhof is a historical district of Kaliningrad, which was once a suburban quarter of northern Konigsberg.

The property in the Maraunenhof area has been located in a forest area since 1571. The district finally emerged and began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the Maraunenhof area, mainly private mansions and elite housing were built, either in the Art Nouveau style or in the style of a country type, with the architecture of a rural German house.

Currently, the Maraunenhof district is a remnant of the historic German quarter, with cobblestone streets and still preserved, albeit few, houses of the former Konigsberg. More about the Maraunenhof area...

Victory Square

Victory Square is the central square of Kaliningrad and the link of many tourist routes around the city.

On the square: places to relax, several fountains, flowers and low trees with lush crowns, a Triumphal column and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Administrative and commercial buildings are located around the square. More about Victory Square...

Sculpture "Fighting bison"

The sculpture "Fighting bison", created by the German animalist sculptor August Gaul in 1911 and installed in Konigsberg on November 12, 1912, is now the brightest of all sculptures and monuments in the city.

The sculptural composition is mounted on a pedestal and represents two large male bison, cast in life-size bronze, locked in a fight. In front of the pedestal there is a rectangular water tank, and from two holes in the pedestal, covered with stylized shells, small jets of water flow into the bowl. Learn more about the sculpture...

Amalienau district with a Float pond

Amalienau - a former prestigious suburban quarter (district) Konigsberg, now part of the Central District of Kaliningrad.

Amalienau was known for its luxury villas, which already at the beginning of the 20th century had gas, electricity, water and sewerage. Villas in the Amalienau area were built for the wealthy class of residents, had unusual and luxurious, at that time, decorations and exterior details.

The current Amalienau is one of the sights of Kaliningrad and a popular tourist route. In Amalienau, you can see some preserved villas from the period of Konigsberg's construction, there is a church, monuments, small squares and quiet cozy streets.

Also in Amalienau there is a small pond - a Float pond or a Bread lake. There is an embankment along the lake, there are places for recreation and a playground. Bridges are equipped across the channels of the pond. More about the Amalienau area...

Holy Family Church

The Church of the Holy Family (Kirche "Zur Heiligen Famile") was built in the time of Konigsberg. Currently, it is an architectural monument of regional significance and the concert hall of the Kaliningrad Regional Philharmonic named after E.F. Svetlanov is located within its walls.

The church was built in the Neo-Gothic style in the period from 1904 to 1907. Many elements of the building and its layout were borrowed from the ancient Gothic churches of East Prussia.

In 1980, the church was radically reconstructed as a Philharmonic concert hall with 400 seats.

The address of the church: Bogdan Khmelnitsky Street, 63a. More about the Church of the Holy Family...

Kirha Juditten

The Juditter Kirche, now St. Nicholas Church and Convent, is a former Catholic order, and later Lutheran, parish church of the Virgin Mary.

This is the oldest religious building preserved in Kaliningrad. It is an architectural monument of Early German Gothic of the 13th-14th centuries and is known as the oldest Gothic structure in the entire Kaliningrad region.

The exact date of the construction of the first church has not been definitively established, but the approximate date of the foundation of the shrine is considered to be 1276-1288. The church was built by the Teutonic Order and was originally a fortress temple. During the history of the church was subjected to various modifications - it was reconstructed, improved and completed.

During the fighting of the Second World War, the church was not significantly damaged. In Soviet times, it was destroyed and dilapidated.

In the early 1980s, it was decided to convert the ruins of the Juditten church into an Orthodox church. In 1987, the church was consecrated, but restoration work continued until 1990.

The address of the Juditten Church: 39b Shady Alley Street.

Fortifications of Konigsberg - Kaliningrad

During the history, two protective belts (rings) were created around Konigsberg, surrounding the entire city with fortifications along a circular perimeter:

- The second fortification (defensive belt), which included: ramparts (earthen embankment), ditches, defensive barracks, bastions, Fort Friedrichsburg, defensive towers and walls, ravelins, barracks and entrance gates to the city;

- the outer protection belt, located more remote from the city and included a ring of forts that were used until the end of World War II.

After the Second World War, some of the objects of fortifications were restored and museums, art spaces, restaurants or shops are located in them today.

At present, the recommended route "Kaliningrad fortification" has been laid out in Kaliningrad, taking a walk along which you can see all the preserved, now reconstructed, remains of former fortifications: city gates, gates of the fortress-fort Friedrichsburg, towers, part of the wall, reduits of bastions, Lithuanian rampart, ravelins and barracks. Learn more about the route and objects "Kaliningrad fortification"...

Above was a list of the main and most "bright" sights of Kaliningrad. If you need the most complete and detailed list of attractions, significant objects and interesting places in Kaliningrad, then you can view it here →

Kaliningrad Museums

Kaliningrad is not only a beautiful, historically rich city, but also a place where museums are one of the cultural destinations and a separate group of attractions.

Kaliningrad museums, at their core, tell about the history of the region, its nature, inhabitants and their way of life during the time of Konigsberg and later Kaliningrad.

The main museums of the city include:

- Amber Museum, located in the historic Don Tower;

- World Ocean Museum complex;

- museum located in the former Friedland City Gate;

- the Kant Museum, located within the walls of the Cathedral;

- the Museum of Fine Arts, located in the building of the former stock exchange;

- Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art;

- Bunker Museum;

- museum exhibitions located in forte No. 11 and forte No. 5.

The apartment-museum Altes House is also interesting, showing the situation of apartments in East Prussia and the life of citizens of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Learn more about all Kaliningrad museums...

Homlins in Kaliningrad

There is a small art object in Kaliningrad, which from the very first days of its creation won the hearts of local residents and guests of the city - these are cute and very cute homlins.

Homlins are mythological creatures, like brownies, who, according to legend, live next to people, and at night they make amber products. According to legend, homlin brings happiness and goodness.

Kaliningrad sculptures of Homlins represent members of one large family - from the older generation (grandparents) to the youngest.

The figures of the Homlin family themselves with a good-natured appearance and "mouse ears" have miniature dimensions and are installed in iconic places of the city. Learn more about homelins in Kaliningrad...

Parks and lakes of Kaliningrad (+ zoo and botanical garden)

Kaliningrad is interesting not only for its history, sights and museums, but it is also a very green city, where there are parks, reservoirs, small squares and green areas for recreation.

The best parks and lakes of Kaliningrad are

- The Upper Lake or Upper Pond is a reservoir of artificial origin and is particularly popular for walking and recreation among citizens and guests of the city.

Along the lake runs a gentrified embankment with a bike path, there is a 4-star Mercure Kaliningrad hotel, residential buildings, bridges, playgrounds and sports grounds, recreation areas, Yunost Park, a boat station and several historical attractions. Learn more about Upper Lake...

- The Lower Lake or Lower Pond (Castle Pond) is one of the oldest structures of Konigsberg that have survived to the present day.

The area around the Lower Lake is considered a green relaxation area.

The pond is crossed by several bridges. There is a boat station on the lake during the summer season. Swans and ducks live in the lake.

There are places for walking and relaxing around the lake, there are monuments, the 5-star Crystal House Suite Hotel & Spa and the "Castle Pond Cascade" - a water cascade built in Konigsberg in the 1929-1930s and feeding the Lower Lake from the Upper Lake. Learn more about the Lower Lake...

- Yunost Park, which is considered one of the best parks in the city for family recreation and entertainment.

On the territory of the park there are: attractions for children and adults, a Ferris wheel, trolls, a boat station, a winter indoor skating rink "Ice Arena", go-karting, rope town, trampolines, "House upside down", a pond, a walking and recreation area, as well as mini-cafes and snack bars.

The park is located at the intersection of Telman, Azovskaya, Zemelnaya and Gorky streets. More about Yunost Park...

- The Central Park of Culture and Recreation (formerly Kalinin Park) is one of the most visited parks in Kaliningrad.

Many plants and trees that were planted in the pre-war years have been preserved in the park.

In the park: alleys for walks, places to relax, fountains, a children's area with attractions, kiosks with snacks and food, the church of Queen Louise (now the regional puppet theater), sculptures and monuments.

The main entrance to the park is from Mira Avenue. More about Central Park...

- Victory Park full name is the park of the 55th anniversary of Victory.

The park was founded by veterans of the Great Patriotic War on May 8, 2000, in honor of the 55th anniversary of the Victory.

Today, the park is an open-air memorial complex with paths for walking and places to relax. More about Victory Park...

- Yuzhny Park, which is a green area with alleys and paths for walking, reservoirs (ponds), monuments, historical objects, children's and sports grounds.

In Yuzhny Park there is a miniature park "History in Architecture", where models of the main architectural masterpieces of "big" Russia, made in miniature, are presented.

The Yuzhny Park is located along Kalinin Avenue. More about the Yuzhny Park...

- Kaliningrad Zoo is one of the largest and oldest zoos in Russia.

At the moment, the zoo occupies an area of 16.7 hectares, on which there are aviaries with animals, a bird house, a terrarium, an aquarium, an arboretum, sculptures and monuments, a playground, a square with a fountain, as well as recreation areas, gazebos, ponds, cafes and snack bars.

The address of the zoo: Prospekt Mira, 26. Learn more about the Kaliningrad Zoo...

- the Botanical garden of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, covering an area of 13.57 hectares. and the collection of which has more than 2,500 plants.

The Botanical Garden on its present site was founded in 1904.

On the territory of the botanical garden there are: greenhouses, greenhouses, a pond, a nursery of woody plants, collection areas of herbaceous and woody plants, utility rooms.

Address of the botanical garden: 12 Lesnaya Street. Learn more about parks and lakes in the center of Kaliningrad...

Holidays in Kaliningrad with children

For a family holiday with children in Kaliningrad, the following are perfect: zoo; Central Park with an amusement area; Yunost Park; miniature park in Yuzhny Park; Upper Lake, on the shores of which there are a couple of good playgrounds; as well as some museums.

It is better to choose museums according to the priorities and hobbies of children and the whole family!

Excursions in Kaliningrad and around the region from Kaliningrad

For the convenience of exploring the city and the region as a whole, you can go around Kaliningrad and from the city on one of the excursions, of which there are many in the city.

The tour can be purchased both on the spot and ordered in advance, which is more convenient for those who prefer to plan their vacation to the smallest detail, without missing anything interesting.

Excursions to Kaliningrad and the region from Kaliningrad

What to bring from Kaliningrad (shopping in Kaliningrad)


Kaliningrad region is called the "Amber Capital", because the amber trade in this territory began in the Stone Age and today the region is the undisputed leader in the extraction of this stone.

In Kaliningrad and the region of amber, and with a finish of such, you can find: jewelry, dishes, icons, paintings, decorative items and even amber cosmetics, because it is believed that amber has useful properties. All this can be a great gift for yourself, as well as loved ones and loved ones.

Important! Do not buy a fake, which is quite a lot in the region. Amber is a fairly light and warm stone, a plastic fake is colder and heavier. The color of amber consists of several shades, the plastic is usually uniform in color (although this is already being forged). The price can also speak about the naturalness of the stone - jewelry with amber can not be too cheap, but a fake can be sold at a high price. Small Stud Earrings (Silver + Amber) they cost somewhere from 800 rubles.

It is better to buy expensive jewelry in specialized stores and ask for certificates.

Amber with inclusions (insects or leaves frozen in stone) is very rare and expensive. All those cheap similar stones that are sold in abundance on the streets of resorts are fakes.

Amber cosmetics

Cosmetics based on amber: shampoos, creams, masks, scrubs, soap and amber powder can be found in small shops, including souvenir shops, also in some pharmacies and in the Belotelov Private Manufactory store located at 27 Proletarskaya Street, Kaliningrad, near the Lower Lake.

About "Belotelov". This is not a recommendation, but only a mention, since many friends and acquaintances who visited Kaliningrad liked the cosmetics of this particular company (ordered again). Important! This cosmetics, due to the composition, is not intended for storage on the street, therefore, it is not recommended to buy such from street counters (we saw them selling on the streets of Svetlogorsk) - the manufacturers themselves (we contacted them) do not recommend.


The most popular local sweet among the guests of the city is marzipan - a mixture of crushed almonds and sugar syrup.

In addition, marzipan is also a historical sweetness of the region, existing since the time of Konigsberg. There is a legend that in Konigsberg marzipan appeared not from a prosperous sweet life out of a desire to try to produce something else, but during a famine. When the flour ran out in the city, the confectioners mixed the last thing left in the warehouses: ground almonds and rose water, and decided to bake bread from it. But after baking, instead of bread, a dessert turned out, which was loved by the residents of the city and quickly entered the list of delicacies.

Sweets, bars, chocolate and even edible plasticine for children are made with marzipan.

You can buy sweets with marzipan in many shops in the city, including specialized ones and even in some supermarkets. In supermarkets, the price for a bar with marzipan starts from 75 - 120 rubles.

Marzipan is both locally produced and German.

Sea buckthorn oil

The region is rich in sea buckthorn plants. Sea buckthorn ripens towards the end of summer.

At any time of the year in the city you can buy sea buckthorn oil or sea buckthorn jam.

We advise you not to buy sea buckthorn oil from your hands - there is a chance that it will be diluted with sunflower. Sea buckthorn oil is better to look for in pharmacies or cosmetic stores.

Alcohol (beer and cognac)

Among the local cognacs, the "Old Konigsberg" is a legend. Local beer is also brewed in the region.

The taste of cognac, beer - leave much to be desired, but purely for the sake of curiosity - you can try (subjective opinion).

As for beer, in the shops and in some restaurants of the city, in addition to local, there is a choice of German, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish and Czech varieties. It's better to try them.

Baltic fish (eel and smelt)

From fish, eel and smelt are famous. There are also cod, pike, herring (a local type of herring), etc.

You can buy fish, including smoked eel and smelt, both in stores and at the central market located at 15 Chernyakhovsky Street. It may be more expensive in stores.

In Kaliningrad stores there is a risk to buy not a local eel, but its Chinese counterpart. But they advise you to go to the Curonian Spit for the local eel. It is also advised to buy hot smoked eel: such fish is not stored for a long time, but the taste pleases.

In the region - in Svetlogorsk, on the territory of the Yantar Hall, the smelt festival is celebrated annually, where you can taste the cooked fish with you. Usually the holiday is held on the first weekend of April.

In Kaliningrad, embankment of Peter the Great, held annually in one of the most famous events of event tourism in the city is the festival "herring", which was established in honor of the first herring of the expedition in June (instead of April, as many believe), 1948 from Kaliningrad went out and headed for Iceland six fishing vessels, led by the mother ship "Tungus". Successful herring fishing in the post-war years was of great importance for a starving country.

Concerts, exhibitions, games and contests are organized on the embankment on the holiday, veterans of the fishing fleet are honored, and the whole territory turns into a large fish fair, where regional enterprises present their fish products, and herring dishes prepared right there are offered to their guests by Kaliningrad and foreign chefs.

"Herring Day" is held approximately on the second weekend of April, but we advise you to specify the time of the holiday in advance. Learn more about the holiday...

In all other respects, shopping in Kaliningrad is absolutely the same as in other major cities of Russia: shopping centers with the world's leading retail chains of clothing, shoes, accessories, appliances, etc., central market, supermarkets, salons, small shops and souvenir outlets.

Photo of the central market

What to try in Kaliningrad

In addition to alcoholic beverages and fish, which were described a little above, and which can also be tasted in the restaurants of the city, in Kaliningrad you can enjoy local Konigsberg bedbugs - meatballs with a German accent. They're the size of a golf ball. Traditionally, they are prepared from pork and veal minced meat. Bedbugs are boiled in broth together with whole onion, allspice, bay leaf, parsley and lemon zest. Served in a creamy sauce.

In restaurants you can taste stroganina - chopped frozen fish (pelamis, pink salmon, mackerel, etc.), local and German sausages, cold Lithuanian borscht, various soups (including fish soup), venison and other game dishes in the restaurant "Mushkino", as well as some dishes from other cuisines of Europe: Italy, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Germany.

In local coffee shops, you can try local pastries and sweets, which can be a good solution for snacking while walking. Local chains are particularly popular: the Königsbäcker bakery and the Croissant Cafe. Prices are lower in Koenigsbacker.

Photo of the Koenigsbacker bakery chain

Access to the Baltic Sea (or - where to go from Kaliningrad)

Kaliningrad is located on two banks of the Pregolya River, at the confluence of the river with the Kaliningrad Bay. Thus, the city itself does not have direct access to the Baltic Sea and, accordingly, sea beaches.

Nevertheless, the Kaliningrad region is small, and, if desired, you can easily make a trip to the resort towns and villages of the region located on the Baltic coast. The travel time to the resorts by public transport will be approximately 40-50 minutes. So you can visit the Baltic from Kaliningrad for 1 day, which is what the locals do in the vast majority of cases.

The most famous and best resorts in the region include: Svetlogorsk with Otradnoe, Zelenogradsk, Pionersky and Yantarny, the beach where he received the Blue Flag award.

A separate and popular place to visit in the region is the Curonian Spit Nature Reserve, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Curonian Spit is a narrow and long sandy strip (about 98 kilometers long) located between the Baltic Sea and the Curonian Lagoon, and connects the Kaliningrad region with the Lithuanian resort village of Nida.

The Curonian Spit stretches from the city of Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region to the city of Klaipeda (Lithuania).

You can visit the Curonian Spit on your own for 1 day or longer, staying in the villages of Lesnoy, Rybachy or Morskoye, and with one of the excursions.

The city of Baltiysk is the westernmost city in Russia and the region, and is also very popular for travelers.

Castles in the area

From individual objects scattered around the region, you can visit the remains of once majestic castles. Many of the castles are currently in an abandoned state and (or) only a very small part of them remains.

Of the more or less preserved: Schaaken Castle in Nekrasovo (nearby is the Schaaken Dorf cheese factory) and Waldau Castle in the Lower Reaches. Castle ruins are also known Brandenburg and Balga.

You can visit the castles yourself by public transport, which is not very convenient, since they are scattered around the area. It is best to visit castles with excursions or by car, which you can rent on the spot - in the city of Kaliningrad. Rent a car in Kaliningrad →

Interesting places in the region

The Museum of the Amber combine, where you can visit the objects of the tourist display of the combine, thereby visiting the only enterprise in the world that extracts amber industrially. The museum offers two objects to visit: the observation deck of the Primorsky quarry and the exhibition hall "Amber Planet". The distance between the objects is about 4 kilometers. You can buy tickets (and, accordingly, visit) in any of the individual objects or in two at once. Both objects are located in the village of Yantarny. Museum website: ambercombine.

In the city of Sovetsk, the Queen Louise Bridge is notable, whose history dates back to 1904 and which is now a border bridge (Russia, Kaliningrad Region - Lithuania, Panamune) a road bridge over the Neman River.

In the village of Priozerye there is a bird park "Priozerye".

The Farmstead on Khutorskaya agrotouristic complex is a place for family recreation in nature, in which there are: a small zoo, attractions, a shooting range, a lake, a creative workshop, a barbecue area and a cafe. On the territory of the farmstead, you can stay for a few days, staying in apartments with air conditioning and batteries, overlooking the complex and aviaries with animals Link to the apartments of the farmstead The address of the farmstead: Khutorskaya Street, 1, the village of Konstantinovka. The site of the farmstead: podvorie39.

The farm is a safari park and rural tourism "Mushkino" with recreation areas: fishing, hunting, shooting, golf, horse riding, sauna and active recreation, as well as rooms and a restaurant. The address of the farm: Kaliningrad region, Bagrationovsky district, the village of Mushkino. Farm site: hutor.mushkino.

The Viking village of Kaup is a historical reconstruction of an early medieval settlement, based on the archaeology of Prussian and Scandinavian settlements and forts, and stylized as circular settlements that were characteristic of the region in the first millennium AD. The settlement is surrounded by a moat and a rampart, the entrance group is represented by a gate tower and a fragment of a stockade. There is a pottery workshop, a blacksmith shop, a medieval tavern and a semi-dugout. The Viking village hosts performances and family days, festivals and shows. Kaup is located near the village of Romanovo. Viking Village website:kaup39.

Casino SOBRANIE, located on the territory of the gambling zone "Yantarnaya", in the village of Kulikovo. Casino website: sobranie-casino. The Kaliningrad Amber Museum is also located in the village of Kulikovo.

Where to stay in Kaliningrad

The bulk of Kaliningrad's accommodation facilities are represented by apartments (separate apartments with all amenities), there are also good hotels and more budget accommodation facilities: guest houses and hostels.

For the convenience of sightseeing and trips around the region, in Kaliningrad it is best to choose a means of accommodation in the city center. The best hotels in the city center, which, according to guest reviews, received high ratings are:

- 4-star Kaiserhof Hotel, 3-star Skipper Hotel and 3-star hotel "At the Honey Bridge", located in the complex "Fish Village;

- 4-star Holiday Inn Hotel and 3-star Ibis Kaliningrad Center Hotel, located on the embankment of the Pregolya River, near the Museum of the World Ocean and Kant Island;

- 3-star Kaliningrad hotel, located at the intersection of the main streets of the city (Leninsky Prospekt and Shevchenko Street), near the Lower Lake, Kant Island, Fish Village and the embankment of the Museum of the World Ocean;

- 5-star Crystal House Suite Spa Hotel, located on the shore of the Lower Lake;

- The 4-star Mercure Kaliningrad Hotel and the 4-star Oberteich Lux Hotel, located on the shore of Lake Superior, near the Wrangel Tower, the Amber Museum, the Yunost Park and the Maraunenhof historical district;

- 4-star Radisson Blu Hotel Kaliningrad and 3-star EUROPA Hotel and Apartments located in the heart of the city - near Victory Square;

- 3-star hotel Moscow, 4-star hotel "Chaika" and Villa Toscana, located near Central Park, Amalienau district and Kaliningrad Zoo;

- 4-star Marton Palace Hotel, located near the Southern Railway and Bus stations.

All accommodation facilities in Kaliningrad, both in the city center and near the main attractions, and more remotely from those, can be viewed and booked here

How to get to Kaliningrad


Kaliningrad has the only airport in the region - the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna International Airport (Khrabrovo).

This airport regularly accepts flights from Belarus, some European cities and many major Russian cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Sochi, Kazan, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, Syktyvkar. Attention! Flights from some cities may be seasonal.

Travel time from Moscow is approximately 2 hours; from St. Petersburg - 1 hour 30 minutes; from Rostov - 4 hours 10 minutes; from Krasnodar - 3 hours 10 minutes; from Sochi - 3 hours 10 minutes; from Yekaterinburg - 3 hours 30 minutes; from Perm - 3 hours 10 (20) minutes; Murmansk - 2 hours 50 minutes; Syktyvkar - 2 hours 50 minutes (3 hours).

As a result, the plane is the fastest and most convenient way to get to Kaliningrad and to the region as a whole. In addition, Russian citizens do not need a passport to visit Kaliningrad and the region by plane. Flights to Kaliningrad →

Khrabrovo Airport is located 25-26 kilometers from the center of Kaliningrad.

From Khrabrovo airport to the center of Kaliningrad you can get:

- taxi. You can order a taxi / transfer in advance, even from home. At any time of the day, at the airport, a driver will be waiting for you with a sign where your first and last name will be written. To order a taxi, it is enough to provide your flight data.

- the car. If you plan to travel around the region, then the ideal option would be to rent a car. You can choose and order a car in advance, at the appointed time your car will be waiting for you near the airport. You can view and pick up a car here →

- bus. Buses No. 244E run along the route (final stops) Khrabrovo Airport - Yuzhny Bus Station, 7 Zheleznodorozhnaya Street.

The stop at Khrabrovo airport is located near the airport building - we get out, immediately turn right and there will be a stop in 20 meters.

When moving from the airport to the city center, the bus makes the following stops: airport - BSMP - Tourist Hotel - Marshal Vasilevsky Square (Amber Museum) - central market - Victory Square (Europe shopping center, Severny railway station) - Kaliningrad Hotel - Yuzhny bus Station (Yuzhny railway station).

The fare is 100 rubles, baggage transportation is 25 rubles, children under 7 years old are free of charge. Payment to the driver on the bus. In the bus station building, you can buy a ticket at the ticket office.

Buses 244E, Airport - Kaliningrad run daily:

- from the airport to the city from 08:30 to 22:30 hours;

- from Kaliningrad to the airport from 07:00 to 20:20 hours.

The journey takes about 45 minutes. Buses run at 30 - 40-minute intervals.



Ferries run from Ust-Luga (Leningrad region) to Baltiysk (Kaliningrad region). The ferry is suitable for the transportation of goods and cars.

Remark! How to spend a vacation in Kaliningrad (subjective opinion).

It is better to take a few days to visit the city of Kaliningrad itself, so that you can fully get acquainted with the city and its multi-layered history and culture. Plus, if the trip falls on the warm summer months, then it is worth devoting a few days to the resort places of the region and beach holidays, while adding at least one full day to the Curonian Spit.

If the rest falls on colder months, then you can take one day for each city to visit the resort towns, while remaining to live in Kaliningrad. Of the most visited, at any time of the year, where we would definitely advise to go, allocating at least one day for each city is Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk.

In the high summer season, for the purpose of a beach holiday, you can go to the village of Yantarny and (or) the city of Pionersky.

The photo was taken from the Lighthouse view tower in the "Fish Village", Kaliningrad

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