Museums in Munich (with addresses and websites)

In the city of Munich is a wide variety of museums, galleries, including art, halls and centres, which hosts various exhibitions and cultural events. There are also theatres, concert halls and cinemas.

The most visited and famous museums and exhibition spaces in Munich are:

German Museum

The German Museum of masterpieces of science and technology (Deutsches Museum) is the largest and most important in the world scientific-technical Museum, which presented more than 30 exhibits from 50 fields of science and engineering, from astrophysics to cell biology.

The purpose of the German Museum is providing scientific and technical knowledge to all interested people who are not specialists in a particular field of science or technology, in the most clear, accessible and visual form and with specific examples.

Deutsches Museum is not only an exhibition space but also a huge Playground, where visitors can not only see, but also to out - turn buttons, switch levers and switches and touch many of the exhibits.

The German Museum is located on Museum island (Museumsinsel), at the address: Museumsinsel, 1.

The website of the Museum: deutsches museum. Read more about German Museum.

German Museum transport centre

The Museum's "Transportation center" (Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum) is a branch of the Deutsches Museum and is located in a separate building in Munich.

The Museum has on exhibit a collection of track and road vehicles, from old cars to the latest Munich subway, including: historic buses and steam locomotives, cars, motorcycles and helicopters.

The Museum is located near the Theresienwiese, at the address: Am Bavariapark, 5.

The website of the Museum: verkehrszentrum.

Munich residence

Munich residence (Münchner Residenz) - the historic residence of the Dukes, electors and kings of Bavaria, the largest inner-city Palace in Germany.

Today Munich is one of the most important art museums in Europe.

The structure of the residence includes: 10 courtyards, residence Museum, the Treasury, the Munich state collection of coins, cuvillies-theater, library, court Church of All Saints Park and the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

The Munich residence is located in the historic old town of Munich, at the address: Residenzstraße, 1.

The website of the Munich residence: residenz-muenchen.

The website of the Museum of the Munich coin collection: staatliche-muenzsammlung. Read more about Munich residence and the museums...

German Museum of hunting and fishing

In the German Museum of hunting and fishing (Deutsches Jagd und Fischereimuseum) on display of stuffed wild animals and objects related to the history of hunting and fishing in Germany for several centuries.

The Museum is housed in the former Augustinian Church (Augustinerkirche), which belonged to Augustskola the monastery was built in the 13th century and then expanded and rebuilt.

Address: Neuhauser Straße, 2.

Museum website: jagd-fischerei-museum.

The Munich city Museum with the Museum of cinema

The Munich city Museum (Münchner Stadtmuseum) tells about the history and fate of the city, national socialism in Munich, migration, the history of puppetry since the 19th century, fashion, music, advertising art, urban culture, etc.

Part of the Museum includes the Museum of the history of cinema (Filmmuseum).

The Museum is located on the North side of St. James (Sankt-Jakobs-Platz).

Museum website: muenchner-stadtmuseum. Read more on the Munich city Museum...

Munich Jewish Museum and new synagogue

Jewish Museum Munich (Judisches Museum Munchen) is an integral part of the Jewish center.

Important exhibits of the permanent exhibition of the Museum thematisiert Jewish history of Munich. The installation visually and acoustically tell about Jewish life. Special attention is paid to the Jewish religion with its annual festivals (Yom Kippur, Hanukkah or Passover) and transitional rituals (circumcision, bat mitzvah, wedding and death).

Part of the Jewish center also includes a New main synagogue Ohel Jakob (Synagoge Ohel Jakob), where you can visit "Path of remembrance", which has a length of 32 meters and leads underground from the Jewish community center to the prayer room of the synagogue. Glass plates with backlit display the names of the 4,500 Munich Jews who were deported and killed in Nazi era.

Address of the Jewish MuseumSt.-Jakobs-Platz 16.

Synagogue address: Sankt-Jakobs-Platz 18.

The website of the Jewish Museum: juedisches-museum-muenchen.

The site of the synagogue: neue-hauptsynagoge. Read more about the Jewish center, the Museum and the synagogue...

The Museum of beer and Oktoberfest

The Museum of beer and Oktoberfest (Bier - und Oktoberfestmuseum), with the possibility of tasting the foam, and a restaurant is located in a historic building - one of the old Munich town houses, whose history dates back to 1340-th year.

The exhibition of the Museum tells of the historical building, as well as about beer, production, law on the purity of the drink, the history of foam from coming into monasteries, as well as the development and history of the Munich festival "Oktoberfest".

The address of the Museum: Sterneckergaße, 2.

The Museum's site: bier-und-oktoberfestmuseum. Read more about the Museum of beer and Oktoberfest...

Museum Of Karl Valentin

Museum of Karl Valentin (Valentin Karlstadt Musäum) is dedicated to the Bavarian comedian Karl Valentin and his colleague, the actress Liesl Karlstadt.

In the Museum among others are some, at first glance quite unusual, but they reveal the extraordinary and talented person Carl Valentine. For example: winter toothpick with fur trim, melted ice sculpture or a nail, which is a symbol of that Valentine he gave up his profession of a carpenter to become a comedian.

Karl Valentine Museum is located in the towers of the Isartor city gate (Isartor), at the address: Tal, 50.

Museum website: valentin-musaeum. Read more about the Isartor gate and the Museum.

The toy Museum

In the toy Museum (Spielzeugmuseum) represented by a private family collection of Ivan Steiger, demonstrating the development of toys over four centuries.

At the Museum: dolls, model trains and cars, bears, planes, wooden and tin toys, Barbie, robots, etc.

The toy Museum is located on four floors of Old town hall tower, which in turn is located in the heart of Munich - at Marienplatz, 15.

Museum website: spielzeugmuseummuenchen. Read more about Old town hall...

Gallery in the New town hall

Hall, exhibition center, operating since 1979, is now an art gallery, which regularly hold various exhibitions, thematically based on the city of Munich, its history and inhabitants. On Christmas eve, the gallery hosts an exhibition of Nativity scenes.

New town hall located at Marienplatz, 8. The entrance to the exhibition center from the street Landschaftstrasse (Landschaftstrasse).

Information about exhibitions: Museen-Galerien/Rathausgalerie. Read more about New city hall...

The Museum room in the Church Burgerzaal

On the lower floor of the Church Burgerzaal (Bürgersaalkirche), behind the altar, are the Museum room with memorabilia of the Blessed Father Rupert Mayer and various items, images and artwork of the Congregation.

The Church's address: Neuhauser Straße 14.

Church website: mmkbuergersaal. Read more about Church Burgerzaal and Museum...

The art

In the House of art (Haus der Kunst) organize and demonstrate various contemporary art exhibitions and thematic exhibitions. Private collection house of art has not.

The walls of the building are also: archival gallery, where the artist Martin Schmidl has collected furnishings and exhibits reflect the history of the art (available for free), a bar and a nightclub.

The address of the house of art: Prinzregentenstraße, 1.

Website of the art: hausderkunst.

Bavarian national Museum

Bavarian national Museum (Bayerisches Nationalmuseum) is one of the most important museums in Munich, the Museum branches which are extensively located outside of the city.

Today the Museum is one of the most important museums of decorative art in Europe and one of the largest art museums in Germany.

Address main building of the Bavarian national Museum: Prinzregentenstraße, 3.

Museum website: bayerisches-nationalmuseum. Read more about Bavarian national Museum.

The state archaeological collection

The state archaeological collection (Archäologische Staatssammlung) was founded in 1885 and consists of several sections: prehistoric and Roman era, middle ages and modernity, the Mediterranean collection and numismatics.

The Museum's collections are stored, including archeological findings and tells about the history and life of the people in the districts of Bavaria.

Address of collection: Lerchenfeldstraße, 2.

Website collection: archaeologie-bayern.

Collection Of Shaka

Shaka collection (Sammlung Schack) until 2009 known as the gallery of Shaka (Schack-Galerie) is an important collection of paintings German painting of the 19th century in Bavaria.

The gallery originated from the collection of count Adolf Friedrich von Shaka, versatile literary writer and collector who since 1857 had created in Munich, the collection of contemporary art.

The gallery presents paintings of the famous German artists and masterpieces of the 16th and 17th centuries, primarily from the Venetian artists.

Gallery address: Prinzregentenstraße, 9.

Website gallery: sammlung-schack. Read more about Shaka...

Villa Stuck

Villa stuck (Villa Stuck) - the historic Villa, which was originally a private mansion, built in the years 1897-1898 in modern style to the German painter and sculptor Franz von stuck.

Since 1992, the walls of the Villa houses the Museum of Villa Thing, which presents stored historical room of the Villa with furniture, the artist's Studio, a collection of the works of Franz von stuck and exhibits of applied art of the 19-20 centuries.

The property address: Prinzregentenstraße, 60.

The website of the Museum of the Villa: villastuck. Read more about the Villa Thing, and the Museum...

Museum five continents

The five continents Museum (Museum Fünf Kontinente) is a Museum for non-European artworks and objects of cultural interest in Munich.

Exhibitions of the Museum give an overview of the various non-European cultures. There are permanent exhibitions on Africa, South America, North America, Oceania and East.

Address: Maximilianstraße, 42.

The website of the Museum: museum-fuenf-kontinente. Read more about the Museum five continents...

Alpine Museum

The Alpine Museum (Alpines Museum), among other things, demonstrates the touristic use of the Alps. The Museum also holds special exhibitions on the Alpine theme.

The Museum is located on the Prater island (Praterinsel), at the address: Praterinsel, 5.

Museum website: alpenverein. Read more about the island and the Prater Museum.

The area of art in Munich (museums)

The area of art (Kunstareal München / Kunstareal) - art area, the Museum quarter and the cultural center of Munich, located in Maxvorstadt, and known outside of the city (in Bavaria and in Europe) and representing the area in which are concentrated important museums and galleries of the city:

- Old Pinakothek (Alte Pinakothek) Museum with a collection of paintings by masters from the middle Ages to the mid-18th century.

Address: Barer Straße 27. Website: alte-pinakothek;

- New Pinakothek (Neue Pinakothek) Museum, which presents paintings and sculptures by artists of the second half of the 18th - early 20th centuries.

Address: Barer Straße 29. Site: neue-pinakothek;

- The Pinakothek der Moderne (Pinakothek der Moderne) is one of the largest art museums of modern art, mainly 20th and 21st century.

Address: Barer Straße 40. Website: pinakothek-der-moderne;

- Museum Brandhorst (Brandhorst Museum) - art Museum dedicated to contemporary art since the late 1950-ies to the present day, featuring works by artists from different countries.

Address: Theresienstraße 23A. Website: museum brandhorst;

- Museum of Egyptian art (Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst) - the archaeological Museum, containing the Bavarian state collection, which focuses on the art of ancient Egypt.

The Museum displays ancient Egyptian artifacts such as statues, sculptures, cult objects, papyri, stone tablets with hieroglyphics, glasswares, jewellery, amulets and sarcophagi, mummies, textiles and household utensils.

Address: Gabelsbergerstraße, 35. Website:;

- Glyptotek Museum (Glyptothek) is a Museum with collection of ancient sculpture and glyptic, a collection which includes works of art from four eras, from archaic period (circa 650 BC) to late Roman (circa 400 BC), namely, the collection, which includes masterpieces of archaic, classical, Hellenistic and Roman Imperial periods.

Address: Königsplatz, 3. Website: glyptothek;

- State antique collection (Staatliche Antikensammlung), the Museum, which houses one of the most extensive collections of antiquities Greek, Etruscan and Roman art in Germany.

Museum collections date, including, items of BC, and are of Greek, Etruscan and Roman art and household items - including: portraits, ceramics, vases, bronzes, terracottas, glass, jewelry and precious stones.

Address: Königsplatz 1. Website: staatliche-antikensammlungen;

- city gallery at the Lenbach house (Lenbachhaus Städtische Galerie im) - art Museum collection of works by Munich artists, especially the 18th - 19th centuries.

The gallery is located in the former house-Villa of the German portrait painter Franz von Lenbach (1836-1904) was with a modern annexe.

Address: Luisenstraße, 33. Website: lenbachhaus;

- geological Museum (Geologisches Museum), dedicated to the rocky history of Bavaria, the geological processes and cycles that change earth's crust and raw material resources of our planet.

Address: Luisenstraße, 37. Website:;

- paleontological Museum (Paläontologisches Museum), dedicated to the history of Earth and life, showing fossils of plants and animals.

Address: Richard-Wagner-Straße 10. Website:;

- the documentation centre Nazi party (NS-Dokumentationszentrum), focusing on the history and consequences of the Nazi regime and the role of Munich as the "capital of the movement" national socialism.

Address: Max-Mannheimer-Platz, 1. Website: ns-dokuzentrum-muenchen;

- the Museum of plaster casts of classical images (Museum für Klassischer Bildwerke Abgüsse) - gallery with a collection of plaster copies of famous ancient Greek and Roman sculptures (statues and busts from 700 BC to 500 BC), which was reproduced in accordance with the originals.

Address: Katharina-von-Bora-Straße 10. Website: abgussmuseum;

- the Museum "Kingdom of crystals" (Museum Reich der Kristalle), which is the collection of minerals and fossils, including diamonds, emeralds and other precious stones and minerals.

There are also collections of meteorites, quartz from Alpine and Bavarian minerals from ore deposits.

Address: Theresienstraße, 41. Website: mineralogische-staatssammlung. Read more about Area arts and museums...

The BMW-Museum

The BMW-Museum - automotive Museum dedicated to the history of the brand and BMW products.

In the exhibition space of the Museum are the original and the most interesting exhibits of cars and motorcycles of different years, engines and aircraft turbines. Some of the areas of the Museum dedicated to advertising, design and development of the brand BMW.

Next to the Museum is BMW Welt is a multifunctional exhibition center, which is used for the presentation of the BMW production and distribution of BMW cars, conference and forums.

The address of BMW-MuseumAm Olympiapark 2.

The address of the center of BMW Welt, Am Olympiapark 1.

Site: bmw-welt. Read more about BMW-Museum and exhibition center...

Nymphenburg Palace

Nymphenburg Palace (Schloss Nymphenburg) is a Palace complex with a large adjacent Park, which is one of the majestic Royal palaces in Europe.

The Palace is open to the public, its walls are halls, galleries, rooms and the Palace chapel, and in the Park of the Palace, among others, are the pavilions (small palaces), which are also available for visitors.

Apart from the rooms and halls of the Palace, the walls of Nymphenburg are two museums:

- the Museum of carriages (Marstallmuseum), which is one of the most important museums of its kind in the world and located in the South of the former Royal stables.

The exhibition presents a representative of the carriage, a sled, a wagon and accessories for horse riding, which describe, including 300-year history of princely carriages and the culture of driving and riding;

- porcelain Museum (Porzellanmuseum), representing a unique private collection of porcelain from 18 to 20 century and located in the South wing of Nymphenburg Palace.

The production of porcelain products of high quality was created at Nymphenburg in 1747.

The collection was founded by albert Boymom, which took control of the manufactory in 1888. To improve the artistic quality items, he has collected porcelain Nymphenburg as a model template.

Address of the Palace and museums: Schloß Nymphenburg 1.

Website Palace and museums: schloss-nymphenburg. Read more about Nymphenburg Palace, Park and museums...

Museum Erwin von Kreibig

Museum background Kreibig Erwin (Erwin von Kreibig Museum) shows the artist's works Kreibig permanent exhibitions, temporary exhibitions with the works of other regional artists.

The artist has left behind quite a legacy of drawings and paintings, which he often depicted strong women.

The Museum is located in front of the Nymphenburg Palace, with its southern side, at: Südliches Schloßrondell 1.

Museum website:

The Museum "Man and nature"

The Museum "Man and nature" (Museum Mensch und Natur), an interactive natural history Museum, which tells about the formation of the Solar system, Earth's history and the development of life, anatomy and human biology, the nutrition and the environment, and the relation of man to nature, etc.

!!! Until may 2020, the Museum was housed in the North wing of the Nymphenburg Palace, after began the erection of a separate building. The Museum, due to open in 2025 under a new name - BIOTOPE-natural history Museum of Bavaria (BIOTOPIA-Naturkundemuseum Bayern).

Museum website: mmn-muenchen.

Castle Blutenburg

The Blutenburg castle (Schloss Blutenburg) - an old Ducal country house located on the Western outskirts of Munich, on the river Würm (Würm).

Today has left from the castle: the residential tower, the remains of which was discovered in 1981, the chapel, the part of the ring of walls with towers and several buildings.

In the castle is: international youth library (Internationale Jugendbibliothek), which is part of the Museum dedicated to the famous author of children's books by Michael ende (Michael Ende Museum) and the Palace chapel - a masterpiece of late Gothic, which is still preserved stained glass Windows, a cycle of statues of the apostles 1490-1495 years and the altars with three paintings created in 1491 by Jan Polack.

In the castle is the restaurant "Schlossschänke Blutenburg" with summer lake terrace.

During the year, the castle and the surrounding area spend the holidays, festivals and other events (e.g. Christmas market).

Address of the castle: Seldweg, 15.

The castle site: blutenburg.

The Museum of FC Bayern

Museum of football club Bayern münchen (FC Bayern museum) is the largest football club Museum in Germany.

The Museum tells the story of FC Bayern since the founding of the club in 1900-the year and up to the present day. Also in the Museum you can watch a movie "Hall of fame" with the participation of such legends as Franz Beckenbauer and Gerd Mueller, but also to see the layout of the current membership in full size.

The Museum is located at the stadium Allianz arena (Allianz Arena), at the address: Werner-Heisenberg-Allee 25.

You can buy a separate ticket or a combined ticket (Kombiticket), which includes a visit to the Museum and a tour of the "Allianz Arena".

Museum website:

Children's Museum of Munich

Children's Museum of Munich (Kindermuseum München) is a place for children and families which invites their guests to play, to experiment and to do research during interactive exhibitions, workshops, games and various activities for children and teenagers in the Museum.

Address: Arnulfstraße, 3.

Museum website: kindermuseum-muenchen.

The MVG Museum

The MVG Museum (MVG Museum) tells the history of the Munich public transport.

In total, the Museum features over 25 historic trams, buses and work vehicles from different eras. The trams on the tracks, leading through the hall of the Museum.

In addition the Museum clearly presents a wide variety of subject from transport, uniforms and accessories, signs and billboards, signals, and instruments. There's an exhibition of model Railways.

The Museum opened to the public in a special and strictly limited days.

The address of the Museum: Ständlerstraße, 20.

Museum website: mvg-museum.

Sammlung Goetz

Goetz collection (Sammlung Goetz) is a private collection of contemporary art, which present temporary thematic exhibitions in the Museum.

Sammlung Goetz was born when the German collector Ingvild Goetz has assembled a private art collection, with works starting from 1960-ies until present.

Today the collection consists of a range of contemporary art forms: paintings, graphics, drawings, photographs, video and film, projection and spatial installations.

Collection address: Oberföhringer Straße 103 (a district of Bogenhausen).

Website collection: sammlung-goetz.

Home "Üblacker"

Home "Üblacker" (Üblacker-Häusl) was built in the late 18th century and was one of the many ordinary houses of that time having the form of condominium - house for two families.

The city of Munich acquired the building in 1966. After the last residents were evicted, Walker Haucl was added to the list of monuments and restored.

In the house there are two small Museum rooms showing the environment and the working life of past centuries. Another room in the house is used for exhibitions and events.

Opening hours: Wednesday and Thursday from 17:00 to 19:00 hours; Friday and Sunday from 10:00 to 12:00 hours.

Address: Preysingstraße, 58 (district of AU-Haidhausen).

The potato Museum

Potato Museum (Kartoffelmuseum) is unique in its kind. Opened in Munich in 1996, the Fund Otto Eckart. In the Museum of the history of the potato is presented with artistic and cultural-historical points of view.

The Museum is divided into themes and showing a multi-faceted collection of exhibits on the subject of potatoes, including through the extensive collection of paintings.

The Museum also has a collection of books on the subject of potatoes.

!!! The potato Museum was closed in connection with the relocation, as of March 2022, the Museum website reports that it is temporarily closed.

Museum website: kartoffelmuseum.

Attention! In all state museums on Sundays and charge an entrance fee of 1 Euro. This does not apply to special (changing) exhibitions which may take place in any Museum. On Sundays in museums can be very crowded, especially during the day.

In addition to these, also in Munich are:

gallery of the Grand hall Brasserie restaurant Hofbräuhaus (Hofbräuhaus München), which operates a small exhibition about the history of the brewery and beer Hofbrau.

Address: Platzl, 9. Website: hofbraeuhaus;

- The old courtyard (Alter Hof), a former Ducal Palace and Imperial residence of the rulers of Bavaria, in the Gothic cellar of which (under information center) operates the information centre of the museums and castles in Bavaria (Infopoint Museums & Castles in Bavaria) with the permanent exhibition "the Imperial castle in Munich" (Münchner Kaiserburg).

Exhibition with a multimedia presentation introduces visitors to the history of the Old courtyard and the medieval history of the city of Munich under the control of the Wittelsbach family;

- art gallery (Kunstverein München) and the German theater Museum (Deutsches Theatermuseum), located in the inner arcade of the Hofgarten Park (Hofgarten);

- the Museum of the city and contemporary art "Flour" (Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art), located at the address: Hotterstraße, 12;

- art library and a room for paintings (Artothek & Bildersaal) with a collection of sculptures and paintings, founded in 1986. Local artists also present their work here.

Address: Rosental, 16;

- the art hall (Kunsthalle München), which is an exhibition space which hosts various changing exhibitions, including in the fields of painting, photography and design.

House of art is located within the "Five Courtyards" at the address: Theatinerstraße, 8;

- Forum Maximilian (MaximiliansForum / Maximilianstra) - city art space for exhibitions and events related to crafts, such as jewelry, design, fashion, architecture, as well as to interdisciplinary artistic and cultural projects.

Address: Maximilianstraße, 40;

- exhibition space "Kunstfoyer VKB", which belongs to a non-profit Foundation whose goal is to promote art and culture that are largely sold through a private exhibition and a variety of programs.

Address: Maximilianstraße, 53;

- Museum Haidhausen (Munich Museum), which tells about the culture and history of the Haidhausen district. The very three-storey building, which houses the Museum, was built in 1862 in a classical style.

Address: Kirchenstraße, 24;

- Botanical collection (Botanische Staatssammlung) from dried specimens of plants, lichens and fungi and samples of dried fruit and seeds. Collections available for study after prior arrangement with the curators and located on the territory of Botanical garden Munich-Nymphenburg (Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg).

Address: Menzinger Straße 67;

- Zoological state collection Munich (Zoologische Staatssammlung München), which is not a public Museum but you can visit in doors open day, usually held on the second Saturday of November, during one of the public lectures, or during one of the special exhibitions.

Address: Münchhausenstraße, 21;

- cultural centre "Gasteig" or "Gasteig" (Gasteig), which houses the public library, the centre for adult education, Conservatory of music Richard Strauss and Philharmonic concert hall.

In Hostage regularly hosts a variety of exhibitions and cultural events. Most of the events of the Munich international film festival and many events of the Munich Biennale (international festival for new music theater) occur in Gasgauge.

Address: Rosenheimer Straße 5;

- collection of sacred art from the 11th to the 19th century, located in the Roman Catholic Seminary (Herzogliches Georgianum), at the following address: Ludwigstraße / Professor-Huber-Platz, 1.

Attention! Museums, galleries and exhibition (exhibition-cultural) centres, halls and space, unable to move or close, including reconstruction or forever, so please specify address, hours of operation and admission fees just before visiting, preferably on the official websites.

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