Walking along the streets of Sopot, a small town located on the Baltic coast of Poland, our attention was drawn to the building one of the hospitals of the city.
The clinic is located near the Sopot lighthouse, Jetty and the Spa square.
Once, after the second world war, the building of the lighthouse was owned by the resort. In 1975, however, the infrastructure of the hospital was upgraded, after which the lighthouse was to medical institutions only an encumbrance and was written off from the balance of the resort. Then and now Sopot old lighthouse is one of the main tourist attractions of the city.
Like anything special the building is, but it just charmed us with its architecture. Look at him, and it seems like it's not an array of stone and concrete, and a light, airy marshmallows, or a festive cake.
In the courtyard of the resort is one of the city's salt fountains
Currently, the building is located the branch of the provincial team rheumatology behalf of Dr. Jadwiga Titz – kosko (Wojewódzkiego Zespołu Reumatologicznego im. dr Jadwigi Titz – Kosko).
It's powerful, very specialized rheumatology clinic focus on the treatment of orthopaedic - traumatic and rheumatic diseases, rehabilitation of sprains and diagnostic laboratory deals with the treatment of children and adults.
In addition, the city of Sopot is one of the leaders in the treatment of diseases such as,