TOP-20 Sights of Kaliningrad (+ museums, parks and khomlins)

This article presents a list of the main and the most colorful attractions + hemline, museums and parks of Kaliningrad, which is worth a visit in the first place or, if the city allocated is not much time (1 - 2 - 3 of the day).

If you need the most complete and detailed list of attractions, important sites and interesting places in Kaliningrad, it can be seen here →

TOP sights of Kaliningrad

Fishing village

Fishing village - ethnographic and trade and handicraft complex located in the heart of Kaliningrad, on the Bank of the Pregolia river (embankment Veterans).

The complex "fish village" stylized pre-war East Prussian city of Konigsberg (now Kaliningrad). By itself, the complex is small and stretches from Honey bridge connecting the fishing village with the island of Kant, to a High bridge and is a promenade.

Located on the waterfront cafes, restaurants and shops, there is a viewing tower "lighthouse", a 4-star hotel Kaiserhof, 3 star hotel Skipper and Honey Bridge Hotel and from the berths of the Fishing village you can enjoy a boat tour on the river Pregolya. Read more about fishing village...

New synagogue

A new liberal synagogue or the Königsberg synagogue (Neue Liberale Synagoge Königsberg), was originally built in Koenigsberg in the late 1890-ies and destroyed - burned, and then completely destroyed during the Second world war.

Building, height of 46 meters was made in the style of combining Gothic with Moorish and neo-Renaissance forms.

The synagogue was rebuilt in the same forms and at the same place where once stood the königsberg synagogue, in the period 2011 - 2018 (2020-the year - interior trim).

The facade, the dome and the main room of the New synagogue as close as possible to their historic appearance.

Paid excursions are conducted around the synagogue.

The synagogue is located near the "Fish village" at: Oktyabrskaya Street, 1a. Learn more about the New Synagogue...

Kant's island Cathedral

The Kant island, the full name of the island of Immanuel Kant - historical non-island part of the city of Kaliningrad, surrounded by the Pregolya river.

Earlier Kant's island was called Kneiphof (Kneiphof), derived from the Prussian "Knypabe", which means "Surrounded by water, river".

The main attractions of the island of Kant are: the Cathedral, originally the main Catholic Church of königsberg, Kant's grave and sculpture Park, as well as the Honeymoon bridge connecting the island to the Fishing village.

The ruins of the castle Konigsberg and "House of the Soviets"

Near Fishing village and the island of Kant, on the Central square, there are two discreet but well-known sights of the city:

- small remnants of the once magnificent Royal castle (the castle of Koenigsberg / Das Königsberger Schloß), which dates back to the times of the Teutonic order (1255 ad) and which began with the history of Koenigsberg and, accordingly, Kaliningrad. Read more about the castle of Koenigsberg...

- "House of the Soviets" - the famous Soviet "unfinished" in Kaliningrad, the construction of which began in 1970.

Holy cross Cathedral

Holy cross Cathedral, formerly the Lutheran-Evangelical Lutheran Church of the cross or Kreuzkirche (Kreuzkirche), which was consecrated in 1933, and now is an Orthodox Church.

Currently, the Cathedral is attracting attention primarily because of its appearance with the image of a huge cross on the facade, between the two ravnovesie towers, which result in small domes. The towers are connected by a covered gallery.

The interior of the Shrine was restored in accordance with the Orthodox canons. The main attraction of this Cathedral is a unique amber iconostasis.

Address of the Cathedral: October island, street of General Pavlova, 2. Read more about Holy cross Cathedral.

Embankment of Peter the Great Museum of the World ocean

Embankment of Peter the Great located in the center of Kaliningrad, on the North side of the Pregolya river, near Kant island and the Cathedral.

Originally the waterfront was the port. Port facilities in königsberg was built in the 17th century. They are often burned, then was rebuilt and changed.

Today, on the waterfront equipped gazebo, places for walking and recreation, are also historical and educational exhibits.

The most popular and interesting part of the embankment of Peter the Great is the embankment of the Historic fleet, at the dock where you moored Museum ship in the complex of the Museum of the World ocean.

One of the Museum ships - the ship "Vityaz", there are guest cabins "Vityaz" in which, if you want, you can stay.

The building of Koenigsberg stock exchange

The building of the former königsberg stock exchange (stock exchange of Koenigsberg / Königsberger Börse) is made in the style of the Italian neo-Renaissance with elements of classicism and is an architectural gem of the Kaliningrad region.

The stock exchange building was built in the heart of pre-war königsberg on the river Pregel, in 1870-1875 he years. Part of the stock exchange building was on land, while the other is on the water. Goes the theory that the transactions entered into in the exchange, located on the water - were not taxed.

In August 1944, the aircraft was damaged - burned wooden structures of the building.

Reconstruction of the building of the exchange was started in 1967. The appearance of the building was preserved, while the interiors have undergone alterations.

Currently in exchange the Museum of fine arts.

The address of the former exchange: Leninsky prospect, 83. Read more about the exchange and the Museum of fine arts...

Lower lake

The bottom of the lake or the Lower pond (Castle pond) is one of the oldest buildings in königsberg, preserved to our days.

The area around the Lower lake is a green relaxation area.

Pond crossed by several bridges. In the summer season on the lake and has a boat station. The lake is inhabited by swans and ducks.

Around the lake are places for walking and recreation, monuments and 5-star Crystal House Suite Hotel & Spa and "the Cascade of the Castle pond" - water cascade, built in königsberg in 1929-1930 years and feeding the Lower lake from Upper lake. Read more about Lower lake...

Top of the lake

The upper lake or Upper pond is a reservoir having an artificial origin and is very popular for walks and recreation among the citizens and guests of the city.

The lake has an irregular elongated shape, with two bays in the North and expansion in the southern part.

Along the lake lies a landscaped promenade with cycle path, there is a 4-star Mercure hotel Kaliningrad, houses, bridges, children's and sports playgrounds, places for recreation, Park "Yunost", a boat dock, and several historical sites. Read more about Upper lake...

The Maraunenhof

Maraunenhof (Maraunenhof) - a historical district of Kaliningrad, which was once a suburban area in the North of Konigsberg.

Property in maraunenhof was located in the forest area, starting in 1571. Finally, the district emerged and began to develop in the early 20th century.

In maraunenhof built mainly private villas and luxury housing, either in art or style type, with the rural architecture of the German house.

Currently, the maraunenhof is a remnant of the historic German quarter, with cobbled streets and is still extant, although few in number, houses the former königsberg. Read more about maraunenhof...

Victory Square

Victory square is the Central square of Kaliningrad and the link of many tourist routes in the city.

On the square: places to relax, several fountains, flowers and low trees with luxuriant crowns, triumphal column and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Around the area are administrative and commercial buildings. Read more about Victory square...

The sculpture "Struggling bisons" and the square at the drama theatre

The sculpture "Struggling bisons", created by the German sculptor-animalist August Goulem in 1911 and installed in Koenigsberg at Hufen alley 12 November 1912, now is the brightest of all sculptures and monuments in the city.

Sculpture installed on a pedestal and represents locked in a battle of two big males of bison, cast life size in bronze. In front of the pedestal is a rectangular tank of water, and two holes in the pedestal, covered with stylized shells, in the bowl flow down a small stream of water.

The sculpture is now located in a small Park, between prospect Mira and street Grekova, which is also notable: the historical building of the Kaliningrad regional drama theatre; the building of the Supreme Directorate of posts, built in 1914-1916 years and which currently houses the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet; and the buildings of the former land and administrative court, which was built in 1914. Read more about garden sculpture "Struggling bisons"...

The main streets of the city

Avenues of the World and Lenin - one of the main and also the most visited and interesting street in the center of Kaliningrad.

Both streets are carriageways, with pedestrian sidewalks on both sides.

Along the avenues are some of the most important historical buildings in the city, there are several squares where you can relax, Park, stadium, theatres, fountains, sculptures and monuments, as well as cafes, restaurants and shops.

Along the avenues are the following accommodation: 3-star Moscow hotel offers free private Parking, free Wi-Fi, a restaurant, bar and family rooms; and a 3-star Kaliningrad hotel with 2 restaurants serving international cuisine and free Parking.

Read more about the World and Leninsky avenues (the street Theatre)...

The Zoo Of Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad zoo - one of the biggest and oldest zoos in Russia.

Currently, the zoo occupies an area of 16.7 hectares, which are located in the cages with the animals, house of the birds, terrarium, aquarium, arboretum, sculpture and monuments, a Playground, a fountain area, as well as space for recreation, gazebos, ponds, cafés and eateries.

Address of the zoo: prospect Mira, 26. Read more about Kaliningrad zoo...

Central Park of culture and rest

Central Park of culture and recreation (formerly the Kalinin Park) is one of the most visited parks of Kaliningrad.

In the Park saved a lot of plants and trees that were planted in the prewar years.

In the Park: alleys for walking, places for rest, fountains, a children's area with rides, kiosks with snacks and food, Lutheran Church of Queen Louise (now regional puppet theater), sculptures and monuments.

The main entrance to the Park Avenue World. Read more about Central Park...

District Amalienau pond Float

Amalienau - a former prestigious suburban district (district) of königsberg, now part of the Tsentralny district of Kaliningrad.

Amalienau was known for its luxury villas that already at the beginning of the 20th century had the gas, electricity, water and Sewerage. Villa in the area of Amalienau was built for the rich class residents, had an unusual and luxurious, at that time, decorations and exterior decorations.

Current Amalienau - one of the attractions of Kaliningrad and popular tourist route. In Amalienau you can see some of the remaining houses of the period, the development of königsberg, there is the Church, monuments, little squares and quiet streets.

Also in Amalienau is a small pond - a pond or Float the Bread of the lake. Along the lake along the promenade, there are places for relaxation and children's Playground. Through the ducts of the pond is equipped bridges. Read more about district of Amalienau...

Fortifications of Koenigsberg - Kaliningrad

Originally Koenigsberg was founded as a castle and was a fortress city for almost the entire history of Koenigsberg.

During the history of the city was created by two protective belt (ring) around the entire Koenigsberg fortifications along a circular perimeter:

- The second rampart fortification (defensive zone), which includes: the ramparts (earthen embankment), the moats, the defensive barracks, bastions, Fort Friedrichsburg, defensive towers and walls, barracks and the entrance gate to the city;

- outer protection zone, which is located more remotely from the city and including the ring of FORTS, which were used until the end of the Second world war.

After the Second world war some of the objects of the fortifications was restored and today are museums, art spaces, restaurants or shops.

Currently in Kaliningrad laid recommended route "Kaliningrad fortification", a short walk where you can see everything preserved, now reconstructed, the remains of former fortifications of the city gate, the gate of the fortress of Friedrichsburg, Fort, towers, the walls of reduite bastions, the Lithuanian shaft, ravelins and barracks. Read more about the route and objects "Kaliningrad fortification"...

Church of the Holy family

Church of the Holy family (Kirche "Zur Heiligen Famile") was built in the times of königsberg. Currently is an architectural monument of regional significance and in its walls is the concert hall of the Kaliningrad regional Philharmonic named after E. F. Svetlanov.

The Church was built in neo-Gothic style in the period from 1904 to 1907. Many elements of the building and its layout was borrowed from the old Gothic churches of East Prussia.

During the Second world war the Church suffered only partially. After the war, was partially restored and used as a temporary shelter for immigrants and repeatedly - for economic needs.

In 1980 the Church was radically reconstructed under the Philharmonic concert hall with 400 seats.

Church address: Bogdana Hmelnitskogo street, 63A. Read more about Church of the Holy family...

Juditten Church

Juditten Kirche (Kirche Juditter), now the St. Nicholas Church and convent of the former order's Catholic, and then Lutheran parish Church of the virgin Mary.

It is the oldest religious building preserved in Kaliningrad. Is a monument of Gothic architecture rendermonkey ages 13-14 and is known as the oldest Gothic building in the whole Kaliningrad region.

Exact date of construction of the first Church is not known, but the approximate date of the Foundation of the Shrine is considered to be 1276-1288 years. The Church was built by the Teutonic Order and was originally the temple-fortress. During the history the Church has undergone numerous modifications it was reconstructed, improved and completed.

During the fighting of the Second world war the Church was not materially injured. In Soviet times, was destroyed and dilapidated.

In the early 1980-ies it was decided to alter the ruins of the Juditten Church to the Orthodox Church. In 1987, the Church was consecrated, but the restoration work continued until 1990.

Currently, the St. Nicholas Church is a landmark of the Orthodox history of the region and one of the top parishes in the city. Also it is the main Church of the metochion of the convent in honour of icon Bozhiej of Mother "majestic".

Address Juditten Church street Shady Avenue, 39B.

The Museums Of Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad is not only a beautiful, historically rich city but also a place where one of the cultural areas and a separate group of attractions are museums seeking to preserve and tell your guests about the history, heterogeneous culture of the region and the lifestyle of the residents of Konigsberg. Read more about all museums of Kaliningrad.

Parks Of Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad is interesting not only for its history, attractions and museums, but it is also a very green city, in which there are parks, ponds, small parks and green areas.

Parks of Kaliningrad is highly diverse, ranging from well-groomed and suitable for a family holiday, with all amenities, to the more quiet, natural areas with ponds and walking paths. Also Kaliningrad has a Botanical garden.

Several large parks (they are the best in Kaliningrad) is located in the heart of the city, which certainly can be a plus and addition to exploring the city and sightseeing. Read more about the parks and lakes of Kaliningrad city centre...

Hominy in Kaliningrad

In Kaliningrad there is a small art object, which from the first days of creation won the hearts of locals and visitors to the city is nice and very cute hemline.

Hemline - mythological creatures like hobgoblins, which, according to legend, live near people, and at night make amber. According to legend, Hamlin brings happiness and good.

Kaliningrad sculptures komlenov represent members of one big family - from the older generation (grandparents) to the smallest.

Figures are family komlenov with a good-natured appearance and "mouse ears" have a small size and installed in the iconic places of the city. Read more about homlink in Kaliningrad...

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