Sopot-a resort and seaport of the Polish Baltic Sea


Planning a trip by car to the Polish city of Gdansk, or Sopot, it will be useful to find out information about Parking in these cities, free, paid, cost, and some of the nuances.

In the centre of cities, Parking can be found on almost all the main streets, sights and places that are most in demand. But you should know that almost all of them are paid.


Sopot is a city and a small resort. Attractions in the city are not many, but they are well kept, some even funny and more like entertainment, than a landmark in the truest sense of the word.


In category "Sopot" we already wrote a lot about the city, its beaches and the sea, the main attractions, parks and recreation areas.

In the same article, just want to upload photos of the city.

In truth, to lay out these posts with pictures of the streets of the usual city life and the people we love the most. It seems that the only way to really see and learn the life of cities "from the inside".


The main square of Sopot, it is also Central located in the heart of the Old town.

This spacious square is the main square where you can organize festive events and concerts.

For such a small resort town of Sopot, the Central square has a pretty impressive size. In the center of the square is a restaurant with an outdoor terrace.


The street is fully pedestrianized and closed to vehicle traffic. Therefore, it is so nice to walk, especially with young children.

Boulevard of Monte Cassino not long, all you can walk for half an hour. On both sides of the alleys located home old Polish architecture, cafes, pubs, galleries, cinemas, restaurants and a lot of different shops, from the smallest to small, by the standards of modern cities, shopping centers. Along with decorative trees with green crowns of great beauty. Under planted trees, installed benches for rest. In General, the entire promenade monciak walkway is the old city of Sopot and the his heart.


Park of Maria and Lech kaczyński area is small green with Seating areas and a baby Playground. The Park is planted with many trees, different bushes, and flower beds. The Park is also equipped and beautiful lanterns.

If you are after the beach, tired from the sun, this beautiful Park is a great place where you can sit on a bench in the shade of the spreading crowns of the trees.


Resort Park one of the most beautiful Polish cities of Sopot (Polish name of the Skwer Kuracyjny) is a semi-circular area of the radiating pedestrian alleys.

The square is the Central resort city. Walking through the alleys of the Park you can easily reach the coastal line of the Baltic sea with a sandy beach.

In General, the square is the ground part of the Mall, the largest in Europe...


One of the main attractions are undoubtedly its beaches and the sea. The beach in Sopot is clean and wide, with fine and delicate sand stretching over four kilometers.


Patrons of the parish are St. George and our lady of Czestochowa. Czestochowa icon of the Mother of God, according to legend, the face of the Mother of God, is a miraculous icon of the virgin, painted by St. Luke. This is one of the most famous and revered shrines of Poland and Central Europe.


Walking along the streets of Sopot, a small town located on the Baltic coast of Poland, our attention was drawn to the building one of the hospitals of the city.

Like anything special the building is, but it just charmed us with its architecture. Look at him, and it seems like it's not an array of stone and concrete, and a light, airy marshmallows, or a festive cake.

Once, after the second world war, the building of the lighthouse was owned by the resort. In 1975, however, the infrastructure of the hospital was upgraded, after which the lighthouse was to medical institutions only encumbrance was...


The old lighthouse Sopot (Sopot Lighthouse) is one of the most beautiful architectural buildings and sights of the city.

It is called old for a reason, the lighthouse was built before the second world war, in 1903. However, after the war it ceased to meet the requirements and was deemed not suitable. Currently, the beacon performs the function of a lookout tower.

In fact, the lighthouse, is a former trumpet...


Sopot Pier is one of the longest in Europe (it is not surprising, because the length of the platform is 515,5 metres) and is a square, from which originates a wide and long, are environmentally friendly, because it consists entirely of wood decking, part of which is on land, and part goes to the Baltic sea (Gdansk Bay).

Here and flower beds with various flowers and ornamental plants, and gift shops with amber products and Souvenirs with symbols of the city, and comfortable benches for rest, sitting on which admire the beauty of the North and a fountain in the middle of it.


Crooked house is the main attraction of the city, which tourists from every corner of Europe. The house is one of the few and most unusual homes on the planet. He attracts the attention of all without exception of passers-by.

And we Krzywy Domek was impressed. The house is stunning, the feeling that you do not look at the house itself, and in its reflection in a distorting mirror. Here which reflects the inexhaustible imagination really creative people. This is not strange abstraction to collect from the pile...

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