

Coliseum (Flavian Amphitheater) is a majestic amphitheater in Rome and is an important monument of Ancient Rome that you can visit.


Rome is a unique city, occupying a special place among European capitals. In the historical center of Rome there are a lot of historical and architectural monuments, which, like a magnet, attract numerous tourists from all over the world.

In the historical center of Rome, that neither a building or a church, nor a square or a fountain, is a tourist attraction. Walking around the city, you come across interesting places, the description of which can draw a single article. However, among all this diversity, you can still stand out a couple of dozen of the best of the best, the most of the most.

In the framework of this article, we will talk about the TOP of the 23 most popular, and, in our opinion, the most interesting sights of the historical center of the Italian capital, and finally, what you can see in Rome in 1-2 and -3 days.


Each of us, in every city, every country has their favorite restaurant with local, typical only for this country dishes. At this institution we all on arrival in the city, happy to return again and again.

Here we have in Rome there is a place that we used to go, arriving in the Italian capital.

Awesome pizza on the thinnest dough with soft filling, cooked in a wood oven according to old recipes are so tasty that yum, and juicy steaks just Ola-La!!! Once had supper in this restaurant, we came here often for dinner and sure will come back again. This restaurant of pizza in Rome, we remember with warm feelings thinking about Italy. And the name of this restaurant...


In addition to the major attractions just walking the streets of Rome, you can see a lot of interesting and very original, inherent only in southern European cities. Here's an example!

Because streets in the centre of Rome is quite narrow, the lighting of the streets here, they don't placed on poles, and hanging over the streets. And all to save space.

Products for the safe of love you can buy at any time of the day. At night when pharmacies are closed, the condoms they sell here in these...


On the same bank of the Tiber River in Rome as the Vatican is one of the most terrible museums in Italy - the Museum of Dead Souls in Purgatory.

According to experts, this museum of the departed testifies to the presence of people in purgatory, a place where souls pay for their sins before going to heaven. And this is not a joke, the museum has collected a lot of evidence that the souls of the dead, who have not found peace in heaven, still roam among us, inspiring fear and horror on living people.

This museum is among the ten most strange museums in the world. In addition, another feature of the museum is that it is nowhere somewhere, but right in the church, in a very unusual church! So unusual that...


This article will discuss two of the most famous and beautiful bridges of Rome, over the Tiber river:

1. Ponte Sant'angelo, also called Aliev Bridge

2. Bridge Victor Emmanuele II

and on the river Tiber.

These two bridges connect the right and left banks of the Tiber river, as well as New and Ancient Rome. Do in Rome over the river Tiber, very many bridges, the bridges are literally every 100-300 meters and they are all equally good, represent the historical and architectural value and each of the bridges are beautiful in their own way.


Castle Sant Angelo is a monument of history and architecture of the Ancient Rome period. Not a single guide to Rome will bypass this lock and put it on one of the first places on the recommendations to visit.

On its territory there are several levels connected by staircases and passages. The passage from floor to floor of the castle sometimes is a narrow stairs going up, or a small stone arch.

His interesting and affectionate name Castel Sant'angelo, the fortress received in 590. During plague epidemics and total extinction of the inhabitants of Rome. Pope Gregory the Great saw on the roof of the castle of the Archangel Michael, putting the sword back in the sheath. This vision is explained to the Pope as a sign, signifying the end of the raging disaster. It was after this...


Farnese Square is a small, typically square square made in a typical Roman style. During the holidays, performances are held on the square and public festivities are held.

Unlike other famous squares of Rome such as the Spanish square, Venice or del Popolo, Piazza Farnese, less well-known, so it is not crowded. But that doesn't make the area less beautiful, on the contrary, in the absence of the tourist crowds can be more than enjoy the beauty of the area and Roman architecture.

A visit to the nearby famous sights such as the Palazzo Farnese (Palazzo Farnese), fountains in the form of Iris flowers, created from a grey granite baths remaining from the once famous baths of Caracalla and the famous Church of Santa Brigida.


Trastevere is the oldest quarter of Rome, where everything "smells" like ages.

The Trastevere district is the heart of Rome and one of its most romantic districts of the city, which has a special flavor, modesty and shrouded in a certain identity.

To visit Rome and not see the Trastevere area is impossible. If you have not visited this area have never walked through its narrow winding streets, with low glued to each nother historic buildings, not admire its architecture, no snack and didn't drink a Cup of coffee at one of the numerous cafes, then consider that you were not in Rome.

In this area, as nowhere else in the city there...


The Pantheon is one of the most ancient and most visited sights of Rome. It is also a historical and architectural monument of Ancient Rome, a heritage of the Renaissance.

Literally, the Pantheon is translated as the Ham of all Gods. For more than two thousand years, the Roman Pantheon was erected on the site of the previous Pantheon, built by Mark Vipsaniy Agrippa between 27 and 25 years BC, as a temple dedicated to the twelve gods and the Monarch. It is believed that the current building, which we can see today, is the result of a radical...


Near the ancient Roman Hippodrome, which we described in the previous article, in Via del Circo Massimo, is another attraction of Rome, the impressive statue - the monument to Giuseppe Mazzini (Monumento a Giuseppe Mazzini).

This majestic monument, with beautiful stucco reliefs, a small altar and steps at the foot of the sculpture of Giuseppe. The pedestal of the monument is a large marble block, white colors, on all sides, framed by a continuous frieze. On this stone pedestal displayed the ideas and aspirations of Giuseppe Mazzini - freedom, equality, and triumph in the struggle against despotism and oppression.

At the top of the pedestal stands a bronze sculpture of a prominent Italian politician, writer and philosopher Giuseppe Mazzini. A fighter for justice is depicted sitting in a meditative pose, dreaming about the bright future of the country.


Circus Maximus - the largest race track in ancient Rome, located in the historical center of Rome, on the left Bank of the Tiber river.

The circus Maximus was the largest first Hippodrome and the stadium of ancient Rome. Nowadays, it entered the top ten visited historical sites, showing the former power of Ancient Rome.

In ancient Rome, the Hippodrome was used for its intended purpose, in the arena of the circus Maximus were held competitions in chariots and other events. It was a famous place for horse racing. The competition on the racetrack could simultaneously participate...


In this article, we will talk about the famous square del Popolo in Rome, and its attractions - the Egyptian obelisk of Flaminio, the most ancient pilgrimage road, amazing fountains, green gardens of Pincha Hill, the Santa Maria del Popolo Basilica Church and the Twin Temples.

The entire square del Popolo (Piazza del Popolo), with its architectural heritage, is one of the largest, most beautiful and elegant squares in Rome. This area of ​​Popolo is adorned with beautiful architecture, historic buildings and churches, statues and fountains, terraces with viewing platforms and a walking square.


Rome, the city is quite expensive, prices are certainly not as high as in Western Europe, but still significantly higher than the Baltic and Central European countries. But even despite this, if you know some of the subtleties and nuances in Rome you can save some money and protect your budget from unnecessary spending.

Some ways to save money in Rome we will cover in this article. First of all, we will focus on the urgent and daily expenses on food, water, sightseeing, museums, toilets, tipping, hotels, shopping, and currency exchange. Perhaps this is just some advice from all possible saving options in Rome.

First, you can save some money in Rome, it to drinking water. So, free drinking water on the streets of Rome...


This article will tell you about:

- the forum of Trajan;

- market of Trajan;

- the Museum of the Imperial forum.

- column of Trajan;

- Church of the Holy name of Mary and Santa Maria di Loreto.

The forum of Trajan is an ensemble of architectural monuments and is chronologically the last of the Imperial fora of Rome. Currently you can see not the whole forum, and, of course, to the present day not preserved all of its original parts. Now the forum, like all forums of Rome, is a...

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