Latvia is a country in Northern Europe


Riga - the heart of Latvia and its wonderful capital, a city with a rich eight centuries-old history, where on the bridge heard the echo of bygone centuries, and strict Gothic style is subtly bordered by lush art Nouveau and heavy Baroque. The centre of Riga is full of architectural and historical attractions, to see which hurries everyone who decided to visit Riga.

This article will tell you about the main and most visited attractions of Riga! Or, What to see, where to go in Riga!


Bastion hill in Riga is a artificial structure in the heart of the city, near the old town or the old town, and one of the main entrances to the Old city, which in the middle ages was a crossroads of Great trade sandy path that led to Pskov, Polotsk and Novgorod.

The name Bastion hill sounds like Bastejkalns/Bastejkalns. Currently this place is a green Park, very romantic and one of the most beautiful places in the centre of Riga. Especially this Park is beautiful in the summer season, manicured walkways, shady alleys, cascades, small waterfalls, cozy places for rest, sculptures and bridges, all of this Bastion hill.


Basically, all the tourists go to Jurmala from Riga. If you get tired of the bustling Riga and examined its sights, it's time to go for a day or two to the Baltic sea in such a measured and quiet Jurmala.

Here we are, visiting the capital of Latvia, Riga, came to the center of Jurmala, in Majori. In Maiori are all the main attractions of Jurmala and places for walking, is a walking street Jomas, slowly walking around where you will come to the famous concert hall "Dzintari" and the green Park, and then to the Baltic sea and a wide strip of beaches with velvety and soft sand.


In the heart of Jurmala, near the main street Jomas, the beach and the famous concert hall "Dzintari" is a great place for walks and family holidays, it is always green, the eponymous Forest Park "Dzintari".

The Park is quite large, situated in a beautiful forested area. Among tall pine trees, walking paths, separate lanes for roller skating and skate Park.


Perhaps no trip to Latvia is complete without tasting the famous Riga balsam, and then buy another bottle for yourself or as a gift to loved ones. Riga black balsam have already become a business card of Latvia, he is so famous that if you have not tried personally, it really heard of it surely everyone.

The classic and most famous is Riga black balsam (Rigas Melnais balzams). This balm was the first balm of Riga, in the future on its basis has created other balms with different flavors and strength.


Here we visited Latvia, I have long wanted to go to this Baltic country, but somehow did not grow together, it is the case, then the sea to swim want and Latvia respectively had dropped out. But still done. The most vivid and unforgettable impression of the trip to Latvia we have tal Riga's old town.

The old town of Riga historic centre of Riga, the oldest part of the city, located on the right Bank of the Daugava river. The famous old town, primarily for its Cathedral with high towers and spires, small and cosy squares, old architecture, narrow cobbled streets, on both sides of which are a low building, sometimes I look like gingerbread houses, which are located in cafes, bars and restaurants, souvenir shops and small shops.


At the end of March - beginning of April this year we visited three cities of Latvia - Riga, Jurmala and Sigulda. The journey was eventful and quite interesting. To be honest, this from Latvia, we did not expect. What is Latvia's post-Soviet country, Baltic, Baltic sea, cold, wet and rainy climate, that's about all we knew about the country, gathering in his journey.

Our choice has fallen to Latvia for two simple reasons: first of which, the country is close to Kaliningrad, and since we now live in the NRM in Kaliningrad, it is close, cheap tickets, only 5 thousand rubles for two round trip and 6 hours away by bus, including border and we are already in Riga. Besides the previous summer we were in Lithuania and our country very much, and as Latvia is the Baltic States, too, that this was the second decisive factor for our trip to Latvia.


In the heart of Riga's old town there are two interesting historical and architectural sights - Yakovlevsky barracks and medieval city wall and Ramer tower.

Walking around Vecriga (old town) go past these bright buildings is simply impossible.

Currently Yakovlevsky barracks are no longer used for its intended purpose, there are souvenir shops, stores, offices, cafés, pubs and restaurants, as well as companies and representative offices of the cities of Latvia.


Powder tower in Riga's old town, is the oldest and the only surviving tower of a similar kind in the whole of Riga. Latvian the title of the tower Pulvertornis, literally translated as the powder.

Previously, she served as part of the Riga fortification wall, which served as the city's strengthening. The tower was always on duty to watch in case of enemy invasion. Powder tower originally called the Sand tower and dated to 1330 buildings.


Konventa seta and Jan set of small courtyards, situated in the heart of Riga's old town, behind the Cathedral of St. Peter, between skārņu streets and Kaleju. Both courtyards are the architectural monuments and the main attractions of the old town of Riga.

These two charming patio are next to each other so that from one courtyard to go to another. Separates the low wall with the arched gates. These gates are installed for a reason.

The fact that the courtyard of the convent has a total of four entry and exit, respectively, each of which has...


In Latvian the kitchen you will find gastronomic delights, it is simple to outrageous, but all the dishes are hearty and delicious. To get involved in such a kitchen is also unlikely to succeed, but to try must. Riga chefs often prepare dishes from purely local ingredients such as Baltic sea fish, pearl barley, chanterelles and seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Latvian cuisine has been influenced by Lithuanian, Estonian, German and Belarusian cuisine. Of the most common dishes latishskoi cuisine, which in our view should try in Latvia are the following:

grey peas with smoked bacon, served with yogurt. True Latvian dish. It for centuries to give...


The Livu Square! What can be said about it? The square is located in the historical centre of Riga, the old town and compared to other areas and architectural buildings of the old town, is a relatively new area.

On the square is preserved a complex of residential buildings of the 17th century. This is our most favorite architectural ensemble in the whole of Riga. The cabins are charming to such an extent that it is not tired to admire them.

Also within the square there are three main sights that are also important and are extensively famous places in Riga. It's buildings Large and Small Guild, the famous cat house, which is connected with an interesting legend and the Riga Russian theatre.


Sigulda, a small town and a lovely place to stay, located in the picturesque Gauja National Park. Here you will find a peaceful vacation surrounded by pristine nature, nature reserves, castles and palaces of the middle ages, as well as space for active recreation and entertainment.

This article will tell you about Hiking routes in Sigulda and its surroundings, as well as what to do and what you can manage to see in Sigulda in one day with kids and without them.


Historic centre of Riga keeps a lot of secrets and mysteries, one of which is leading to the dome square inconspicuous street, situated in the heart of the old city. This short, tucked away behind the houses and the Central streets of the street of the old Riga is the most narrow street in town and its name was Rosen.

This particular street, c lined up and pasted to each other with houses on both sides, is distinguished by its extreme narrowness among the already narrow streets of Old Riga.

About the street Rosen goes several legends and each of them is... well, of course, with its narrowness. One legend says that if two ladies in fluffy dresses of the noble families, faced on...


Everyone before the trip to Latvia probably have a few basic questions:

- The currency of Latvia what currency to bring to Latvia?

- Where to exchange money in Riga (Latvia) and which currency exchange in the country?

- How to pay in Latvia, cash or credit cards?

- How much money to take with me to Riga/Latvia?

This article will answer all these important questions!

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