Kemer, Turkey: beaches, sea, hotels, recreation, what to see, how to get there

We rested in Kemer several times already. Therefore, this article decided to combine all available information about Mediterranean resort town of Kemer. The article will tell you about the hotel in Kemer on all-inclusive, the sea, the beaches, the city, the prices, entertainment, tours, attractions, and other details and features of rest in the Turkish city of Kemer.

Kemer, Turkish name Kemer resort city and port on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, the center of the eponymous district of the province of Antalya.

Currently Kemer is a developed and popular destination among tourists. You can visit Kemer and other resorts of Turkey, both on your own and on tour packages.

Kemer Turkey

Kemer is located 42 kilometers South-West of the city of Antalya. In the Kemer airport there. The nearest airport is in Antalya. So, to get to Kemer or resort areas (Beldibi, Goynuk, Kiris, Camyuva, Tekirova) you can, either by taxi or by public transport from Antalya.

If you're travelling on a package tour, then you have nothing to worry about at the airport you will be met by the tour company and escorted to a bus that will take you to the hotel. If you arrived in Kemer yourself, it is better to know in advance how to get from the airport to the city. About the airport and how to get from Antalya airport to the city centre and the nearby Spa towns we told you earlier, find out all the information here.

Kemer, or rather Antalya first, or any other city in Turkey, still needs to be reached. The easiest way to do this is by plane. It is convenient to compare prices and buy air tickets via the Internet, for example on the website Aviasales.

The sea and the beaches in the centre of Kemer and regions

Kemer and its surroundings are part of the Turkish Riviera, located at the foot of the Taurus mountains, rising to the sea. From this resort, in contrast to Antalya, greener, protected from the winds by mountains. In Antalya there are often wind. And the very coast of Kemer is considered to be more upmarket and expensive resort than other of the city's Mediterranean Turkish coast.

The beaches of Kemer are predominantly pebbly, the sea water is warm and clean. Near the center of Kemer there are a couple of beautiful sandy coves.

The coast of Kemer has access to the sea. In the center of Kemer there are beaches with all the necessary beach infrastructure. There are beaches longer, and there are narrow and small. In high season the beaches are crowded, sometimes you have to lie almost on each other. On some beaches the access to the sea is equipped for stage depth at once, which is not very convenient, especially for children.

beaches and sea in the center of Kemer, Turkey

sea in Kemer, Turkey

In the districts of Kemer - Beldibi, Goynuk, Kirish, Camyuva and Tekirova beaches, even the Central wider, the sea water is clearer and cleaner. Personally, we, liked to relax in Kirish than in the center of Kemer. The beach in Kiris wide, little people, umbrellas and sunbeds, even at the beach was free, and the sea water is warm and clear, visible fish and small squid. Swim with mask and snorkel - a pleasure. However, with entertainment and trips in kiriş trouble, no place to go.

If you go on holiday just for sea and sun, it is best to choose not the center of the city and its surrounding areas. Excursions can be purchased in hotels in guides or in companies in the streets, for a walk in the Kemer you can go once or twice, this will be enough. But from a beach holiday in the regions of Kemer, you'll probably get more fun than in the city.

Overall impression of Kemer is a city, price, street

Although Kemer is located at the foot of the mountains, due to the hot climate, the vegetation is sparse, but beautiful.

Attractions in the centre of Kemer can not boast. Of entertainment, mostly bars, cafes, restaurants and nightlife, which in the evening is full of life.

on the streets of Kemer, Turkey

In Kemer throughout the property, as the Turkish Lira, the dollar and the Euro. From a cheaper currency to dollars. In most stores or souvenir shops in the streets of Kemer, you can make purchases in dollars or in euros.

If you are coming for a week to rest, and even in the hotel all inclusive, then change the dollars to Lira is not washed away, will lose more on the exchange rates. And to pay for the Souvenirs, excursions and the fruit easier dollars.

Prices in Antalya and regions around the same, sometimes in the regions a little cheaper, but not by much. For example, ice cream is $ 1, bananas $ 1, figs - $ 2 (figs in Turkey are large and very tasty), Turkish delight - $ 4, keychains and magnets $ 5, the souvenir mugs at $ 8, cocktails in bars is 1.5- $ 3, chocolate bar Snickers - $ 1. Advertised snail soap - $ 11. In the soap there is nothing much soap as soap, ordinary soap itself is.

snail soap

Alcohol in the shops of Kemer is quite expensive, many hotels working on system "all inclusive" with cheap and poor quality. So, alcohol is best to load up at the airport, in the duty-free shops (duty free shop), there is cheaper than in the shops of Istanbul.

For example, a bottle of wine in a shopping of Kemer, on average, 13 USD, and a bottle of tequila - 45 USD.

Dinner or lunch in a café or restaurant of Kemer will cost, on average, 30 USD for two. But a lot will depend on individual food preferences. You can eat as a budget, and more.

Entertainment, attractions, excursions Kemer

Entertainment in the city not so much. You can walk around the streets. To go to a cafe, restaurant or club.

streets of Kemer, Turkey

streets of kemer photo

All the fun of Kemer boil down to, to go on trips to tourist attractions. In the city and region you can visit the Turkish bath or engaging in water sports, for example, to go diving. These tours do not take much time and money the best.

Of the more expensive and longer excursions you can choose from: Aquarium Antalya, or take a trip on the famous tour to the ruins of the ancient city - Demre-Kekova-Mira.

Excursions can be purchased from the guides at hotels or in companies in the streets of Kemer and regions. Special distinction for the quality of services provided there, but for the money - in more expensive hotels.

Or you can choose excursions in advance, choosing the interesting meeting personal requirements and criteria and also selecting the most appropriate time of the tour:

When to visit Kemer

Beach season in Kemer and its regions is open from may to October, however, go to any of these months, we would not recommend it.

At the beginning of the season - may and June, the water is not sufficiently warmed, and the temperature is already quite high. From this, when entering and leaving the sea, feel the temperature gap and discomfort is felt. The water in the sea +21-+24 degrees, air - +23-+28 degree day and +13-+17 night.

In July and early August, the water has already almost reached its maximum +24-+27 degrees, but the heat is just unbearable. Sometimes the thermometer rises to +45 degrees. In this heat and a scorching sun burn on the way to the beach.

In late August - early September the water is already fully gained their degrees, and swimming is a pleasure, the sun still bakes well. The average water temperature in the sea +28-+29 degrees, air - +33-+35 degrees.

From mid-September to early October is a good time to stay in Kemer. The water still holds warmth, and the sun is not so hot. The average water temperature in the sea +26-+28 degrees, air +29-30 degrees. Evenings and nights the temperature remains a comfortable +20-17°. Mid-September is perhaps the best time for vacation in Kemer, if you go behind the sea and sun. It was at this time begins a significant decline of tourists. Rates also begin to decline.

In the second half of October, after the 10th number, the sea water cools, but keeps your comfortable level, somewhere 25 degrees. The average day temperature is still summer, but not hot +23-+27 degrees. But evening and night the temperature already drops to +15-+13 degree rises and the rainy season, the sea waves rise. So, precipitation and waves in this period can spoil the holiday.

Kemer hotels all inclusive, in the city center and the regions

About all the hotels in the resort of Kemer, of course, we won't tell, but here's some statistics for comparison we give.

Once we lived in a hotel, located almost in the center of Antalya, Sumela Garden Hotel. And the second time stayed in the region of kiriş Kemer (Kiris) hotel Seker Resort Hotel.

Both times booked the hotels through the online booking website hotels worldwide Booking - сonvenient, fast and at reasonable prices.

Hotel in the region was better, and as mentioned above - the beach is wider and cleaner, the people less, and the sea, the sea is fantastic, clean, clear, warm, affectionate.

Both hotels operate on all-inclusive, at the price and quality of service are almost identical. Only the food and the pool was different. Hotel Sumela Garden, in the center of the city, the food was quite varied and tasty, especially meat and fish, grilled on an open fire. The quality and variety of food this hotel deserves a definite plus.

The second hotel in the region Kirish, although choice of dishes was good, but the taste and quality left much to be desired. Dishes like a lot, but there is nothing.

In the first hotel (Sumela Garden Hotel) the pool was without water slides, water smelled strongly of bleach. Once we dipped, and then could not wash the swimwear from the ingrained smell of chlorine. Apparently, to change the water less frequently, but still disinfect her profusely chlorine-free. In the second hotel (Seker Resort Hotel) to the pool no complaints there, water bleach didn't smell, there were two water slides, which served as good entertainment.

In many hotels in Turkey, upon arrival, guests first try seselis in the worst rooms. So it was with us two times. To agree to offer money administration is not advised. It is better to define its position clearly and directly: "to Settle in this room are not going, we paid (booked) for the other room". Believe me, you settled in a room better.

We also recommend you to follow the clock-in / out, previously, hardly populated. So, once we arrived at night and the check in was at 12:00 hours, had to sleep in chairs in the hall. Well, at least Breakfast fed.

Unfortunately, the pictures we have to be the only hotel Sumela Garden Hotel, in the center of Kemer. Read more about him will be discussed.

Horrible the first room we tried to settle in on arrival. One window looked out into the corridor and the square courtyard, down which threw off the dirty linens and towels. I like looking out the window, and then dirty towels by fly...

Sumela Garden Hotel, Kemer, Turkey

The second, a broken window near the ceiling, out do not understand where

broken window of Sumela Garden Hotel, Turkey

The room they moved us after refusing to settle in first. This room with balcony and Windows, a refrigerator and odorless

all-inclusive hotel room, Kemer, Turkey

Hotel with a green and quite beautiful. Although with a small area, but with lots of greenery, fountains and artificial ponds.

Sumela Garden Hotel, Kemer

Sumela Garden Hotel

the territory of the Sumela Garden Hotel

the green area of the Sumela Garden Hotel

Hall and inner courtyard

Sumela Garden Hotel Lobby

Sumela Garden Hotel Lobby, Kemer, Turkey

courtyard of the Sumela Garden Hotel, Kemer

The hotel has a beach front and private beach, but it did not make him more attractive. The beach is a narrow, entrance to the sea convenient.

A bar near the sea

sea bar in Kemer, Turkey

The actual beach and pier, the employee is also a "beach" hotel. From the pier you can dive into the depths. Sunbeds and parasols are free. There are changing cabins and showers.

the sea at the Sumela Garden Hotel, Kemer, Turkey

private beach at Sumela Garden Hotel, Kemer, Turkey

Insights about staying in Kemer and Kemer compare with the European resorts

What about this we can say, but only that to go on vacation in Turkey is not so cheap. When compared with resorts in Europe (Spain, Italy, Cyprus , etc.), the rest in Europe more enjoyable.

Seafood, fruits and wine, for example, in Spain, cost about the same (depends on currency fluctuations), but the quality and taste better. Dinner in the restaurant in the same Spain at the price costs about the same, and the level of service above.

The beaches and the sea of Mediterranean European resorts are nicer than Turkish ones. There is more entertainment in Europe, the service is more attractive. Walking through the streets of Italy or Spain is a pleasure, which we cannot say about Turkey. One is good in Turkey and Egypt, bought an all-inclusive package, know yourself fly and relax, you don't need to think about anything else, there are not very many such hotels in Europe.

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