Blanes, Spain

Blanes (Blanes) is a town and popular resort, belonging to the province of Girona and is situated on the Costa Brava.

A small, charming town of Blanes attracts with its sandy beaches, more secluded coves, as well as waterfront, historic attractions and two Botanical gardens, has gained popularity among city guests.

History and modern Blanes

Blanes - the oldest of the towns of the Costa Brava. Iberian activity has been attested in the region in the era of romanization of the Iberian Peninsula, approximately in the 3rd century BC.

The first mention of Blanes, or castle Forcadell, refers to the year 1002.

After the Romans the area was conquered by the Goths, then by the Moors. In the 13th century, after the Christians regained power in Blanes there was an important architectural event – the Palace was built, the Church and the city walls.

In the 17th century, during the Catalan revolt, Blanes was practically burned.

After the War of the Spanish succession, the reconstruction of the city and the extension of agriculture.

Early in the second half of the 19th century started developing the fishing village as a tourist destination, which led to the increase in population and economic growth and beautification of Blanes.

Today in Blanes is a small port, long stretches of beaches, historic centre, the castle of San Juan founded in the 13th century is the main symbol and landmark of the city.

Blanes - The Symbol Of The Costa Blanca

Blanes is known as the "gateway to the Costa Brava" as it is the first city in the Western part of the Costa Brava that extends from Blanes (where it borders with the Costa del Maresme) to the French border.

The city is a symbol of the "Gate of the Costa Brava", which is a metal arch with an inverted V-shaped (Blanes Portal de La Costa Brava).

The arch is located in the Central part of the coast of Blanes, between two beaches: the eponymous beach of Blanes and the beach of Sa; One, near the natural attractions and the symbol of Blanes - rocks Palomera CA (Sa Palomera), a member of the sea water.

From the coast to the rock is a narrow isthmus, and on the rock itself, equipped with an observation deck. Read more about rock Sa Palomera in Blanes...

The Beaches Of Blanes

Within Blanes there are 4 sandy public beach also has some rocky / rocky-sandy coves.

Three Blanes beach awarded "Blue flag". They noted: Playa de Blanes, the beach of Sa'abanell beach and Sant Francesc or Cala bona.

In the high beach season on most beaches of Blanes has all the necessary infrastructure beach to enjoy the sun and the sea with total comfort.

Playa de Blanes (Blanes Playa de)

The beach of Blanes, which has the shape of a Crescent, is the Central beach of the city.

This is the most popular and therefore crowded beach resort, and its length is about 600 meters, the beach stretches from the port of Blanes and to the rock Sa Palomera, where smoothly flows into the'abanell beach, Sa.

On the beach of coarse sand of light color. Along the beach runs the Central promenade is a great place for walks and rest.

The beach of Sa'abanell, Blanes (Playa de s'abanell)

Beach'abanell - the longest beach of Blanes, located in the "new part" of the city.

The length of the beach is over 2 kilometers, the beach stretches from the cliffs of Sa Palomera to the Western tip of Blanes.

On the beach of the coarse sand, bright colors, and found a pebble. Along the beach runs the promenade.

The beach of Santa Anna (Playa de Santa Anna)

The beach of Santa Anna, better known as the Capellans beach - a small pebble-sandy beach located in the city centre, on the East side of the port of Blanes.

The beach of Sant Francesc or Cala bona (Sant Francesc Cala / Cala Bona)

The beach of San Francesc, also known as Cala bona is a small beach located in a Bay, flanked by hills, which grow on pine trees.

This is one of the best beaches of the resort. Is the beach in the Eastern part of the coast of Blanes, about two kilometers from the city centre.

The length of the beach is around 200 meters and its width is 40 meters.

On the beach of coarse sand of light color, with occasional rock formations. Sea water is clean and clear.

Treumal beach (Playa de Treumal)

Treumal is the most Eastern beach of Blanes, located on the border of Blanes and the resort city of Lloret de Mar.

Beach Treumal adjacent to the beach of Santa Cristina beach and both are a single beach strip, where through a gap between two rocks on the beach and blends in with the other.

On the beaches of sand of light colors, sea water is clean and clear. Read more about all the beaches of Blanes...

The Promenade Of Blanes

The promenade of Blanes - long boardwalk, which is one of the main places for walks and recreation among locals and visitors alike.

The length of the promenade of Blanes is more than 3 kilometers. A promenade runs from East of the port of Blanes (beach, Santa Ana), then runs along the Central beach de Blanes and to the Western end of the beach'abanell.

Along the waterfront: places to stay; bars, cafés and restaurants; shops, refreshment stands, ice cream and beverages; children's playgrounds; sculpture and monuments. Read more about the promenade of Blanes...

Attractions Of Blanes

The fishermens quarter (Barri de s'auguer)

Quarter of fishermen - the so-called traditional historical town of Blanes, which originally lived fishermen and sailors.

The quarter is a typical Mediterranean building, lots of cafes and restaurants.

The castle complex, San Juan (Castell de Sant Joan de Blanes)

The castle of San Juan or Saint John's castle - historic monument, one of the main attractions and a symbol of Blanes.

The castle was built in the 13th century. Currently, the castle remained only the tower and part of the wall.

Before warping the towers of the castle of San Juan is a small white chapel of St. John (Ermita de Sant Joan Baptista de).

Is a castle complex on the summit of the hill of San Juan and it is well seen from many points of Blanes and the surrounding area. Also near the castle is the observation deck, which offers the city's best views of Blanes itself, the surrounding area and the sea.

The complex of Santa Barbara (i Ermita torre de Santa Bàrbara)

The architectural complex of Santa Barbara is a complex of buildings consisting of a chapel of the 12th century (documented in the 14th century), built in the Romanesque style, houses hermit and the defence tower of the 16th century.

The Capuchin monastery (El Convent de Blanes)

The monastery was built in 1853 and since historic times, considered to be one of the privileged places on the Costa Brava.

In the walls of the building was once a monastery but now is a protected structure, where the conduct banquets, events and events.

Is the former monastery on top of a hill, surrounded by vegetation, near the port and the beach of Santa Anna.

Near the building of the monastery located platform from which open views over the port of Balance, part of the coast and marine waters.

The Church of Santa Maria (Iglesia de Santa Maria)

The parish Church of the 14th century in the Gothic style that once belonged to the complex of the Palace of the viscounts of Cabrera (Palau de vescomtal cadrera), which nowadays is preserved only the exterior walls.

During the history the Church was reconstructed from original parts left: the belfry and the main door of the 15th century.

Gothic fountain (Font Gòtica /Gothic fountain)

Gothic fountain or Font Gothic fountain, built in the Gothic style, which is considered a unique example of Catalan heritage.

The fountain of octagonal shape was built in the 15th century by order of the viscountess of Cabrera and producers Guild of wool.

The fountain has three levels, decorated with various elements, including images of gargoyles. The Central part of the fountain is decorated with the family crest Cabrera.

The Plaza of Spain and street Centre (Plaça Espanya, Passeig de Dintre)

The Plaza de españa and the prospect Centre - the second most popular in the centre of Blanes, after a promenade, a place for walking and recreation, which is a zone with a length of just over 200 meters, along which historical architectural monuments, places to stay, shops, apartments, coffee shops, cafes and restaurants with tables under the open sky.

House Oren (Casa Orench)

The building of 1926 is not only one of the most beautiful historic buildings of Blanes, but also a vivid example of the creativity of the architect Francesc Forgery.

This two-story structure with a covered terrace is located on the street Ample. On the ground floor is a pastry shop.

The Francesca chapel (Ermita de Sant Francesc)

A small chapel of rectangular plan with a single nave and a square apse and a bell tower over the front door.

To our days the ruins of the building, adjacent to the Northern part of the chapel.

A chapel on a hill near the beach of Sant Francesc. Near the chapel there is an observation deck. Read more about all of the attractions of Blanes...

Botanical gardens in Blanes

Within Blanes has two Botanical gardens that can be identified in a separate group of attractions.

Marimurtra Botanical garden (Jardin Botanic Marimurtra)

One of the most important Botanical gardens in Europe, where you can see over 3000 species of exotic plants.

Marimurtra was created by Carl Faust almost a hundred years ago.

Garden Marimurtra is located on the coast, about 550 metres from the centre of Blanes, entrance from the street de Carles Faust (Passeig de Carles Faust).

Botanical garden Pinya de Rosa (Jardin Pinya de Rosa)

Tropical garden, located on the coast, was founded in 1945 by Ferran rivière de Carlton known industrial engineer.

In the garden currently consists of 7 000 species of plants, including one of the most interesting collections of cacti in Europe.

The garden is located on the Eastern outskirts of Blanes, at a distance of about 3 kilometers from the city centre.

Things to do in Blanes. Where to go from Blanes

Boat trips

From Blanes you can take one of the sea cruises (sea-walk). For example, go for a walk in the open sea, fishing or visit nearby resort towns such as Lloret de Mar, Tossa de Mar, Malgrat de Mar, Calella etc.

Information on all walks, as well as the schedule and prices can be obtained in the ticket offices on the waterfront or near the sea port of Blanes.

A tourist train

To ride through the city centre, along the sea and the surrounding area to visit the neighbouring resort of Lloret de Mar is in the tourist train or mini bus with an open top.

Routes, schedule and rates can be found on the official website.

Water Park and Dolphinarium Marineland (Marineland Catalunya)

A vacation for the whole family prepared Marineland, where Dolphin show, opened a water Park and bird Park "Jungle adventure". The Park's website.

Montsoriu castle (Castell de Montsoriu)

One of the largest castles of Catalonia, the montsoriu castle, whose history dates back to the year 1002.

The castle is situated in a picturesque woodland setting, on a hill within the natural Park of Montseny, about 34 kilometers from the centre of Blanes. The castle site Monthsary.

Neighboring towns and resorts

From Blanes you can go to neighboring towns and resorts, for example:

- the resort of Lloret de Mar, considered the heart of the trendy life in Costa Brava;

a small picturesque resort town of Tossa de Mar , with its famous fortress (the castle of Tossa de Mar), which is a complex of medieval buildings enclosed by a defensive wall with watch towers;

- the provincial capital - the city of Girona, with its impressive historical centre;

- the Catalan capital - the largest and, without doubt, incomparable Barcelona, with experience producing creations of Gaudi;

Excursions of Blanes

From excursions in Blanes and from Blanes, you can go on a catamaran cruise, visit a water park with an included transfer, go on an excursion tour to Barcelona, etc.

Holidays and festivals

Fireworks competition

The international fireworks competition Costa Brava (Fiesta mayor) or feast of Santa Anna and Sant Joaquim (feast of Santa Anna and Sant Joaquim) is usually held the last full week of July (3rd or 4th week).

The fireworks competition usually lasts 4-5 days, but for eight days celebrated the major holidays, including European art competition.

Day celebration Co-patrons

The festival Festa Major Petita is held in honor of the patron of the city, St BONOS and maxima in the third week of August, when the streets are filled with parades, concerts, musical performances and sports.

Holiday floral carpets

The festival is held in spring, during which the streets of the historic centre of Blanes embellished "floral carpets". All songs are created with original motives, such as Botanical gardens and landscapes.

Holy week

Traditions of Holy week are still important in Blanes.

One of the most famous marches is the angel or the angel (Àngel). The procession takes place on Easter Sunday and consists of two groups of people who silently out of the Church of Santa Maria to meet on the place de Del Feiners, where Kant says de Langel.

Christmas holidays

During these special days the city is transformed with lights, street decoration and fair.

During the celebration concerts, parades, sports competitions and other events related to the Christmas theme.

In addition, in Blanes are celebrated every year: the carnival and the parade of the three kings.

Where to stay in Blanes (Blanes hotels)

The choice of accommodation in Balinese very diverse, ranging from budget guest houses and apartments to 4-star hotels and holiday homes located near beaches and historic centre, and more remotely from those.

All accommodation facilities in Blanes, you can view and book here booking

How to get to Blanes

In the town of Blanes the airport there. The nearest international airports are Girona and Barcelona.

The airports of Barcelona and Girona serve local and international flights, including budget airlines (low-cost). As a result, you can get from many European cities to Barcelona and Girona at very attractive prices. Cheap flights to Spain...

To reach from the airports and centres of Girona and Barcelona to Blanes and from Blanes in airports and centers, respectively, it is possible:

Taxi / Shuttle Service

To reach from the airports of Barcelona and Girona to Blanes easier and faster than a taxi. Book a taxi/Shuttle service is possible in advance, even from home. At any time of the day, at the airport, you will meet your driver with a sign, which will be written your name and surname. For taxi is enough to tell us your flight details!


The most convenient way to self-move to Spain is a car. You can rent a car in advance, even from home, the car will be waiting for you upon arrival.

Public transport

From the airports of Girona and Barcelona directly to Blanes can be reached by bus.

From the centers of Girona and Barcelona to Blanes can be reached by buses or trains (trains).

Read more about how to get from Barcelona to Blanes (airport and downtown)...

Read more about how to get from Girona to Blanes (airport and downtown)...

From Barcelona, Girona and Blanes to France, Italy and some other European countries can be reached by bus FlixBus. View all destinations of the buses and buy your ticket here...

Where to stay in Barcelona! All accommodation facilities in Barcelona (hotels, apartments, hostels, etc.) can view and book here booking

Where to stay in Girona! All accommodation facilities in Girona (hotels, apartments, hostels, etc.) can view and book here booking

Currency and Visas

Spain is part of the Schengen area. To visit the country, you may need travel insurance.

Spain is part of the euro zone, because the country's currency is Euro (€). Both cash and bank cards are accepted for payment in many shops, cafes and restaurants.

Photo streets of Blanes

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