Where and what to eat on the Spanish island of Tabarca

In previous articles we have talked about how to get to Tabarca island from the mainland and about the beaches of the island. Today I want to talk about where to eat in Tabarka. Still not on the hour tourists come to the island, and on the day, and the question about lunch or at least snacking, remains open. You can, of course, and to bring something for a snack, sandwiches or cookies and water, but it won't be as interesting as enjoyed, for example, true habarskoe dish in one of the restaurants of the island.

Once hint, it will tell you what you should definitely order in a restaurant, located on the island of Tabarka. This dish is called Caldereta or Caldera (Caldera), it is considered a national on the island, because here, it never cooked.

Caldera is a roast vegetables, potatoes and seafood or fish. On Tabarca it serves two types of lobster or langoustine. Served with slices of toasted bread.

The truth is it is not cheap, the cost of serving 25 euros, the minimum order for two persons, there will be 50 euros. You need to order at least two servings, as it is prepared Caldera in clay bowls-pots medium size, can be compared, except that, like the great pan for paella. By the way, and paella in Spain need to order at least two servings. We honestly believe that this is done in order to make more money out of tourists, because such famous dishes at least once, for the sample, every order and will have nowhere to go, have to pay for ordering two portions.

We, being on the island of Tabarka, in a small restaurant on the Central square in the right part of the island ordered the Caldera of lobster. It was pretty good, although a little fatty. One thing is for sure, the kind of money the dish is not worth the maximum amount he can give is 10 euros per serving. Caldera cost us 50 euros, and ordered water for 2.50 euros bread 1 Euro, total paid through 53, 50 euros.

Here is the Caldera

And now back to other places and the prices in them to eat on the Tabarka.

As already mentioned, several restaurants are located in the Central square of the residential part of the island.

Many restaurants stretched out in a row close to the beach and Marina. Menu stand at the entrance or lay on the tables, come see if tripled, sit down and have lunch.

The prices for dishes on the island Chet higher prices for the same meals on the mainland. It is understandable, the island lives only thanks to tourists, the indigenous people there is a maximum of 50 people, and that if typed.

Here is an example of prices,

- a dish of seafood or seafood BBQ for two persons - 38 EUR. On the mainland the price of 30-32 Euro;

Cana+ Tapa, that is, to eat and drink sandwiches - 2 euros, whereas on the mainland it is 1.20;

- paella 14 euros per person. On the mainland from 9 to 12 Euro;

- a dish of mixed grilled fish - € 18. In Alicante we ordered a dinner for two from a variety of seafood and paid 12,95 Euro per person.

Where tasty and cheap eat in the Spanish city of Alicante can be seen here.

In restaurants on the island it's better to order set menus. And are relatively inexpensive, and a complete meal will receive. Menus hang right at the entrance to the school.

Here are some examples of Lunches:

Menu 1: vegetable Salad, fried fish and squid, seafood paella, bread, beverage and dessert.

The cost of this menu is 12 euros.

Menu 2: vegetable Salad, fried fish and squids, the dish of the day from the chef, bread, beverage and dessert. In this menu there is mystery, intrigue, you never know what you will present on hot.

Costs 14 euros.

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