Fountains Adam and Eve in Peterhof (Saint Petersburg)

Fountains "Adam" and "Eve" - fountains in the Lower Park of the Palace and Park Ensemble "Peterhof" in Peterhof (St. Petersburg).

These two fountains are paired and differ only in the central figures.

The fountains are located at a distance from each other, on the Marlin Alley of the Lower Park. The Eve Fountain is located on the east side of the Sea (Samson) Canal, and the Adam Fountain is located on the west side of the canal.

The marble statues in the fountains were commissioned by Peter I, as well as the creation of everything The Grand Palace of Peterhof with parks.

In the first quarter of the 18th century, "Adam" and "Eve", in addition to the biblical, were given a certain allegorical meaning: the progenitors of the human race were associated with the crowned "progenitors" of the Russian Empire-Peter I and Catherine I.

The statues "Adam" and " Eve " were created in 1718 by the Venetian sculptor Giovanni Bonazza. These were copies of the famous sculptures of the Renaissance master Antonio Rizzi, which were located in the Doge's Palace.

The design of the fountain "Adam" was completed by 1722 (architect N. Michetti), and the fountain "Eva" - in 1726 (architect T. N. Usov designed by N. Michetti).

The pools of both fountains have eight faces, corresponding to the eight paths of the park that radiate from them. In the center of each fountain, a marble sculpture is mounted on a high pedestal. Near the pedestal there are sixteen small pipes, from which water jets beat to a height of seven meters, and the water is not sprayed, but splits into separate large drops that are clearly visible from afar.

In the 18th century, the fountains were surrounded by trellis gazebos, which served as shelters from the weather and for recreation on hot sunny days. Today, elegant modern structures remind us of gazebos.

Photo of the fountain " Eva»

Photo of the Adam Fountain»

Practical information

The fountains of Peterhof are closed for the winter (do not work) - from about the middle of October until the 20th of April.

In winter, when the fountains are not working, the entrance to the Lower Park is free (free of charge).

During the summer season, the fountains are open and the entrance to the park is paid.

Tickets to the park can be purchased at the ticket offices located directly near the entrances to the park or in advance-online on the official website.

The opening hours of the park and fountains, as well as the conditions of visiting and the cost of tickets, are recommended to check on the website of the State Museum-Reserve "Peterhof": peterhofmuseum.

All the ways to get to Peterhof from St. Petersburg (the airport and the city center) can be found here →

All accommodation facilities in St. Petersburg, including in the city center and in Peterhof, can be viewed and booked here

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