Tower of Mary Magdalene in Budapest (Maria Magdolna Torony)

The Mary Magdalene tower (Maria Magdolna Torony), also known as the tower of Buda/ Buda tower on the Buda tower (Buda tower) is a tower of the Church of Mary Magdalene (Maria Magdolna-templom).

The Church of Mary Magdalene is one of the oldest churches of Budapest. It was built in the 13th century in Gothic style on the Castle hill in the Northern residential district of the Buda castle.

The Maria Magdalena Church was the Church of the Hungarian population. At that time the Northern part of Buda castle was a square of Szombathely on Saturday held a Grand fair. The Shrine stood on the southwest corner of the square, first the nave, and then extended (up to 1400). The Gothic Church, according to the latest images, had a high bell tower of pyramidal shape.

The Church was destroyed during the siege of 1686 and was restored after the liberation in the 17th century in the Baroque style. Badly damaged during the battle in 1944. Its ruins were demolished during the Communist rule, leaving only the bell tower.

During the history of the Gothic tower has undergone a number of restorations required. The strong contrast of pre-war buildings are Baroque arched Windows. In 1986, before the tower was a garden of ruins, showing the outlines of a Gothic Church and the layout of the first nave of the Church.

Today you can see the bell tower, restored ruins, located near the tower and installed on the ruins of a bronze copy of the 1000-year old Hungarian coronation mantle.

In the tower is a small exhibition telling about the history of the Buda castle and the Church of Mary Magdalene. From the top floor of the tower offers a panorama of the city.

Practical information

Tower of Mary Magdalene is located in the historical Buda side (why has a second name - the tower of Buda) on the Western side of the Danube, at: Kapisztran ter 6.

Admission to the tower: full - 1 500 HUF, preferential - 900 HUF, students - 600 HUF, children up to 14 years of age is 300 HUF, children under 6 years stay free of charge. With a map of Budapest entrance free.

Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00 hours. January-February on Saturdays and Sundays.

The surrounding area, the ruins and a copy of the Hungarian coronation mantle, can be viewed for free at any time of the day.

Attention! Entrance fees and opening hours Buda tower can vary, please specify the information on the official website before visiting.

Tower site of Mary Magdalene: budatower.

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