The Hospital of the Holy Spirit (Heilig-Geist-Spital / Heilig-Geist-Spital) is the oldest and once the largest medical institution in Germany, which today is the historical "pearl" of Nuremberg.
In the vernacular, the short name "Heigei" is often used.
The hospital was built in 1332-1339 together with the church, as a so-called infirmary, which, as in many medieval cities, was dedicated to the Holy Spirit.
The hospital was founded at the expense of the richest patrician of the city - Conrad Gross, who wanted to create a storehouse of benefits for the soul through good deeds in this world.
The Hospital of the Holy Spirit at that time was the largest place for the care of the sick and, above all, the elderly, in the imperial city, which offered rooms for 200 sick and poor.
After the death of the benevolent Patrician Gross in 1356, who found his last resting place in the hospital church (today his grave is located in the courtyard of the hospital), the complex was expanded by donations.
From 1423 to 1796, the imperial regalia were kept within the walls of the hospital church, which include: the imperial crown, the imperial power, the scepter, the imperial and ceremonial sword, the holy spear and the coronation regalia. Once a year, the regalia was shown to the residents of Nuremberg. Before each imperial coronation, they were brought to Frankfurt am Main, and then returned in a solemn and well-guarded transport.
The entire territory of the hospital almost completely burned down in 1944 and was reconstructed in the period from 1951 to 1953, with the exception of the Church of the Holy Spirit.
Today, the complex of the Holy Spirit Hospital is a historical and architectural "pearl" of Nuremberg, is included in the list of the main attractions and most tourist routes around the city.
The walls of the hospital now house a nursing home and a restaurant "Heilig-Geist-Spital Nürnberg", with tables in the courtyard.
The best and most photographed view of the Gothic wing of the hospital opens from Museum Bridge (Museumsbrücke).
Due to the fact that the wing of the hospital is located above the waters of the river, and its arches are lowered into the water, locals also call the hospital "Nuremberg Glasses".
Also noteworthy is the restored picturesque bay window with a pointed tower.
Today, the entrance to the nursing home is closed to tourists. The former hospital can only be viewed from the outside, which is undoubtedly also interesting, since the hospital has several wings located near the waters of the Pegnitz River and bridges over the river: the Hay Bridge (Heubrücke / Heibrücke) and the Hospital Bridge (Spitalbrücke / Spitalbrücke).
The Hospital of the Holy Spirit is located in the historical center of Nuremberg, on the banks of the Pegnitz River and on the bow of the Insel Schütt Island, next to the historical building - The Tower of debtors (Schuldturm).
The address of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit: Spitalgasse, 16 (Spitalgasse).
Website: heilig-geist-spital.
All accommodation facilities in Nuremberg, including in the city center and near the Hospital of the Holy Spirit, can be viewed and booked here