

You can get from Marco Polo Airport to Venice and Lido di Jesolo by taxi, car, express buses, buses, vaporetto and buses + vaporetto.


The article presents (with photos, descriptions, addresses and websites) the main sights and museums of Venice, which are worth visiting first of all or if there is little time for the city.


The canals of Venice are the waterways of Venice, which are the highlight and the main attraction, and thanks to which the "city on the water" attracts numerous tourists.


Riva degli Schiavoni (Schiavoni Embankment or Slavyanskaya Embankment) is a coastal street, the most beautiful and popular promenade in Venice, with palaces, architectural monuments, bridges and a monument to Victor Immanuel II.


The Grand Canal is the main, most famous and largest canal of Venice, crossing the historical center of the city.


From the airport and the center of Treviso to Venice and Lido di Jesolo can be reached by: taxi, car, bus, train; as well as combining them with vaporetto (water transport).


San Rocco is the residence of the Abbey of St. Roch (Rocca) in Venice.

San Rocco is a complex consisting of a scuola and a church, which are now museums with Tintoretto's works.


San Giorgio Maggiore is the Basilica of St. George in Venice, which is part of the monastery and an important landmark.

The basilica has a bell tower, which you can climb and from which you can enjoy beautiful views.


The Church of San Simeon Piccolo, also called Santi Simeone e Giuda (Church of Saints Simeon and Judas) is an impressive architectural and religious landmark of Venice.


The Arsenal of Venice (the Venetian Arsenal) is a historical complex of shipyards and workshops in Venice, thanks to which the Republic of Venice could conquer the routes of Europe.

The arsenal can be visited. The historical buildings house the Museum of Naval History of Venice.


San Marco Square is the main square of Venice, which is one of the most important monumental squares in Italy and is known worldwide for its beauty and architectural integrity.


The Church of Scalzi or the Church of Santa Maria di Nazareth (chiesa degli Scalzi, chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazareth) is one of the most remarkable examples of Venetian Baroque architecture.


The Marciana Library (San Marco, Sansovino) is the national and most important library of Venice.

There are reading rooms in the library, and historical monumental halls can be visited for tourist purposes.


Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari is a church in Venice that has monuments of outstanding Venetians, including paintings, and tombs of Titian, Antonio Canova and the Doges.


The Doge's Palace or Ducal Palace (Palazzo Ducale) is the former residence of the Doge in Venice, which houses a museum with halls, executive rooms, apartments of the Doge, a prison and an armory.

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