Privacy policy

This page contains information about what information we receive and collect when you use the site (hereinafter referred to as the Site). This Privacy Policy applies only to the Site and the information collected by and through this site. It does not apply to any other sites and does not apply to third-party websites from which links to the Site may be made.

By using the Site, you automatically agree to our privacy policy and consent to the application of the data collection and use rules set out in this document.

If you do not agree with the terms of our privacy policy, do not use the site !

Collecting information

The User's personal data is processed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ. The Site collects only personal information that you voluntarily provide when subscribing to the Site's news.

The concept of "personal information" includes information that identifies you as a specific person. You can view the content of the Site without providing personal information.

When subscribing to the Site's news, the user provides the following information in the appropriate subscription form:

  • the email address.

By submitting their personal data, the Site user agrees to their collection and processing by the Site Administration, including for the purposes of:

  • sending Site news by e-mail (representing informational, entertainment, advertising and other messages).

The processing of personal data means any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification) extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Your personal data will not be sold or in any way transferred to third parties for any reason, except as provided by law.

The Site Visitor has the right to refuse to receive information and any other messages to his e-mail from the Site Administration without explaining the reasons for the refusal by unsubscribing from the Site news. The withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data is carried out by sending an e-mail

Children cannot use this site.


The Site uses "cookies" technology to create statistical reports. A cookie is a small amount of data sent by a website that your computer's browser stores on your computer's hard drive. Cookies contain information that may be necessary for the Site: which pages you visited on the Site, how much time you spent on them, the domain name of your Internet provider, the user's country, hardware data, as well as the addresses of third-party websites from which you accessed the Site, and so on. However, all this information has nothing to do with you as a person. Cookies do not record your email address or any personal information about you. The installed Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics counters also use this technology on the Site.

In addition, we use standard web server logs containing information on Site movements to count the number of visitors and evaluate the technical capabilities of our Site.

We use cookies and information from the web server logs in order to determine how many people visit the Site, and organize the pages in the most user-friendly way, ensure that the Site matches the browsers used, and make the content of our pages as useful as possible for our users. No specific information about you personally will be stored or used by the Site Administration.

To view the materials of the Site without cookies, you can configure your browser so that it does not accept cookies, or notifies you when they are sent. The settings of different browsers differ, so we advise you to contact the "Help" section of your browser.

Sharing information

The Site administration has a partnership with Google, which places promotional materials and ads on the site pages on a reimbursable basis. As part of this cooperation, the site Administration brings to the attention of all interested parties the following information:

1. Google, as a third-party provider, uses cookies to serve ads on the Site;

2. Cookies are used by Google in ads displayed on the Site as a member of the Google AdSense program.

3. Google's use of cookies allows them to collect and use information about users of the Site (with the exception of name, address, email address or phone number), about your visits to the Site and other websites in order to provide the most relevant ads for goods and services.

4. Google's company is guided by its own privacy policy (privacy policy) in the process of collecting this information;

Disclaimer of liability

Remember, the transmission of personal information when visiting third-party sites, including partner company sites, even if the website contains a link to the Site or the Site has a link to these websites, does not fall under the scope of this document.

The Site Administration is not responsible for the actions of other websites. The process of collecting and transmitting personal information when visiting these sites is regulated by the document "Protection of personal information" or similar, located on the websites of these companies.